France x England-Wallet

Start from the beginning

(French:Mon petit lapin-My little rabbit)

He latches himself around me in a hug and if I could scream I would. He notices the spell book and smirks.

"Oh did mon amour mess up a spell and now 'e can't talk?" He asks me

(French:Mon amour-My love)

I nod angrily and try to get him off of me.

"Well then I'll 'elp you for zhe rest of the day!" He exclaims and grabs my hand

He quickly packs up my things and before I can react he has pulled me out of the meeting hall.

"Zhey won't notice ve are gone..." he says pulling me

I can't believe this wanker!

"Come on, I'll take you to a magnifique restaurant for lunch." He says linking his arm with mine


I try to pull myself away but he it to strong and he looks like he is filled with determination. I wish I could just tell him to leave me alone. He pulls me into a tiny restaurant and a waitress comes up to us and hugs France.

"Bonjour Francis!" She giggles


"Oh Bonjour, do you have a spare table for mon chér and I?" He asks her

(French:Mon chér-My darling)

"Oui." She says and she takes his hand

She seats us in a little corner by a window and a fireplace that's lit. I see raindrops start to fall on the windows and I sigh. Who does that girl think she is? Why was she clinging to him? She needs to set her sights on someone else. France is mine! Wait what?

"Is something wrong mon chéri?" France asks me snapping me from my thoughts

I shake my head and look into his blue eyes. I can't seem to look away until France picks up a menu and looks down to it. What's gotten into me? Why do I care so much about this frog?

The waitress comes up to us and winks at France.

"What would you like?" She asks him flirtatiously, completely ignoring me

"I would like Soupe à l'Oignon and mon petit lapin will 'ave zhe bangers and mash without peas." France says and she walks away sighing a little

I raise my eyebrow at France and stare at him.

"Oh are you wondering 'ow I know your order? Well mon amour you always order zhe same zhing zhat I 'ave it memorised." He smiles

I turn away with a blush on my cheeks and try to ignore him. I suddenly feel dizzy and I rest my head in my hands on the table.

"Is everyzhing alright?" France asks me moving closer to me

The dizziness goes away and I take a short breath in. France places his hand on my cheek and lifts my head up.

"Mon chér?" He asks

"I-I'm fine!" I say and then gasp because I have my voice back

"You can talk!" He says shocked

"It looks like the spell wore off." I reply

"Oh 'ow I missed your voice." He smiles

Just as we are getting close to each other a plate is placed in front of us. I look down and see mine and France's order. Except they got mine wrong... there are peas. I think it was that waitress, I've noticed that she's been glaring at me.

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