Prussia x Romano-Gilbertina

Start from the beginning

"G-GILBERT!" I yell and move away from him

He uses both hands to grab my waist and pick me up,

"Hey Lovino, let's go now!" He says excitedly, pulling me to the limousine we rented

We sit inside and he places a hand on my thigh. I look away blushing.

"Don't worry Lovi~ We'll be fine and no one will notice." He says

"Don't call me that idiota!" I say wrapping my arms around him

We pull up at the venue and we exit the car. People turn to look at us and I feel horrified that they might know it's Gilbert. My brother Feliciano comes up to us and smiles at Gilbert. Feliciano is in a dress as well because him and his boyfriend Ludwig had the same idea as Gilbert and I.

"Ve~ So you really did it huh?" Feliciano asks

"So did you, I guess ve're calling you Felicia or somezhing?" Gilbert asks

"Ve~ si!" Feliciano giggles and pulls up his dress to glomp Ludwig and kiss his cheek


Ludwig says that they are waiting for their other fiends and they'll catch up with us later. Gilbert and I hand our tickets to the teacher in charge and he gives Gilbert a long stare, it's Mr.Clay who teaches history.

"Have I seen you somewhere before?" He asks Gilbert

"Umm no I don't zhink so!" Gilbert states in a high pitched voice

"Hmm, well then enjoy the evening." Mr.Clay replies opening the door for us

Gilbert and I walk inside hand in hand. People turn to stare at us because Gilbert looks really out of place, but I try to ignore them. We go line up for a photo together.

"Hey I haven't seen you before, what's your name?" Some student asks Gilbert

"My name's Gilbertina!" Gilbert says in a high pitched voice

"I didn't think Lovino would be able to find a pretty girl like you!" Another student buts in

"Shut up bastido!" I yell

"Aww Lovi~ we were just kidding~" one of them says pinching my cheeks

"Don't call me Lovi and leave my boy...err girlfriend alone!" I shout

The photographer calls Gilbert and I for our photo. We walk up to the green screen and the photographer positions us. After our photo we head to the dance photo where we attract a lot of attention from everyone for some reason.

"I didn't think Lovino had it in him to find a date." One person says

"Me neither, and she's kinda hot!" Another states

"Do you think they're serious?" A girl asks

"I hope so, they seem like such a cute couple!" Her friend queues

"Hey mein schatz~" Gilbert whispers "Its ok, zhey are just dummkopfs who don't matter to zhe awesome me!"

(German:Dummkopf: Fools/Idiots)

I smile a little at him while looking a little nervous. I put my hands on his waist and he laughs a little.

"Zhe awesome me is ticklish!" He giggles quietly

We slow dance tighter for a little bit until the prom committee tell us that voting for king and Queen has opened. I don't really want to cast a vote but Gilbert seems to want to.

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