Prussia x England-Double Date

Începe de la început

"Kesesesese, neizer of you!" I laugh

"What is that supposed to mean mi amigo?" Antonio says confused

"As punishment for making fun of zhe awesome me neither of you vill be going on zhe double date with me." I smirk

"Well then who will go with you?" Antonio asks

Oh crap, I didn't think about that. Well I'll think of something. Hmm I guess I could ask Arthur, I mean it's not like we hate each other. I mean quite the opposite actually for me. I'm bisexual and I have a crush in Arthur while also flirting with girls.

"The awesome me will think of something!" I say and sit down

While we are sitting down with Francis and Antonio begging me to take them with me Arthur walks into the café. I feel my heart beat faster and my breath quickens. He orders a cup of tea and Francis calls him over to sit with us.

"What do you what you bloody frog?" He asks walking over to us with his tea

We pull up a chair for him and he sits down.

"Oh Arzhur you look magnifique today." Francis says smirking


I feel myself die a little inside at his flirting, I really hope Arthur doesn't fall for him, I mean I know they have a lot of history together and Francis probably knows more about him than anyone but I won't let him take Arthur away from miene awesome self.

"Shut up frog!" Arthur says glaring at him

Francis laughs and finishes his coffee when he gets a call from his boss. Turns out he has a meeting with Antonio that he is supposed to be at. I don't think I have ever seen those two run away faster. I turn back to Arthur who looks like he is trying to hide a blush.

"Oh hey Arthur vant to go on a date with zhe awesome me?" I ask casually

His eyes open wide and he spits out his tea.

"What are you on about you wanker?" He asks wiping his mouth

"Kesesese, I asked two girls out on a double date, you can go with one of them!" I say

"Oh that's what you meant..." he says looking a little disappointed "Well I guess I can make time to go with them."

"Great, here is where we are meeting!" I say grabbing his phone to put in the address and time

My heart has calmed down a little but I can get over how disappointed he looked when he realised he wasn't going with me. Does he like miene awesome self back? Hmm I don't know, he doesn't seem like like he would like my type. I'm the awesome type and he seems so...reserved.

"I have to go but I'll see you later, don't be late." I say smiling

"As if I would be!" He says and sips his tea

I smile because his tsundere side is the reason I fell for him.

*Time skip to the date night*

England's P.O.V
I'm waiting outside of a restaurant for Gilbert and the two girls we are supposed to be on a date with, I feel really disappointed because I thought Gilbert was asking me out. I may or may not have liked him for a while but I will die before I tell anyone that.

"Hey Arthur!" A voice interrupts my thoughts

I turn to see Gilbert with a blond and a brunette girl trailing behind him.

"Good evening." I say kissing both of the girls hands, I am a gentlemen after all

"My name is Alyssa and this is my girlfriend Charlotte" the brunette states

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