"Vivian, do you have any plans this weekend?" I ask, interrupting her.

"Why do you ask?"

"I was just wondering because I thought maybe we could go shopping," I suggest. I would hate myself if it turns out Vivian cancelled going to the dinner party and she is free to go shopping. I would've fallen into my own trap.

"Oh, um, I already have plans Saturday night. I have no time on Saturday. But if you're desperate for a make-over, I can probably take you shopping on Sunday," she shrugs. Ah crap, how did I forget that the weekend consists of two days?

Okay, I'll think about how to get out of it later. Right now, it's all about the dinner party. "Oh, what are you doing Saturday night?" I ask.

Vivian frowns, "Why do you have sudden interest in my social life?" she asks.

Ah crap, she caught me. Quickly, think of an answer. Something clever and casual. "I'm bored," I state. I mentally face palm.

"Have you been bored all week? You seem to be asking me a lot of questions lately," she states.

Crap! Crap! Abort mission! Abort mission! I cough, "Uh, I... I am," I say.

"If you must know, I'm going to Ashton's house to have dinner with his parents." Yes! She brought it up! Now she just must invite me!

"Oh, sounds fun," I say casually.

"Are you finished? Carly and I were in the middle of a conversation until you rudely interrupted," Vivian snarls.

Damn, mission failed. "Uh, sorry," I mutter. I look back to my notebook feeling defeated. I thought this would've worked but clearly, I'm losing my touch.

After English, Vivian and her minions left class. I follow behind, not sure how to get Vivian to invite me to the dinner party. What can I do next? I tried so many things by pushing myself in front of her, hoping she'd ask me. I don't want Ashton hurt her, even though I'm not a fan of Vivian. She's my cousin and no one messes with my family except for my family. I feel the back of my shirt being pulled back, forcing me to move backwards.

"What the hell!" I turn to see Kieran.

"Stop it, you're acting like her minion."

"At this rate, I may as well be morphed into one of her minions," I mutter.

"Speaking of, did you have to make Rebecca sit next to me? The whole time in class, she would accidentally place her hand on my biceps. She would then comment how strong I am and... doesn't she have any off button?" Kieran rants.

I ignore him as I think of another way to manage Vivian to ask me. This is harder than I thought. I don't understand why Vivian won't invite me. Doesn't she know that she'd only make Ashton crazier? She begged me last time to go to the party because she doesn't invite me and now she's doing the same thing. I just want to know why Vivian decided not to invite me. Is there some specific reason why she isn't inviting me? Or is she just too embarrassed to ask me to go again? Vivian's pride is literally the size of the Pacific Ocean. I wouldn't be surprised if she is too embarrassed to ask me.

"Are you even listening to me?" Kieran captures my attention.

"No," I reply truthfully.

We reach the cafeteria. Kieran and I sit at our usual table with our lunch from home. I open my container to be faced with green things. Oh no, it's my biggest enemy. Vegetables.

"Why do you always get to have a meat sandwich for lunch where I am forced to have the diet of Bugs Bunny?" I grumble as I glare at my salad. I don't know why I keep getting lunch from home when I'm being starved to death. Honestly, I don't know how vegetarians survive. After eating salad, my stomach make whale noise throughout the rest of the day until I get home and I rummage through the fridge for source of energy. "Let's swap," I say eagerly.

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