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We all went inside and went to bed. The work will start it the morning. I put the engagement ring on the night stand beside me. And snuggled up under the covers.

The next day I woke up with Sean gone. The print of him in the bed still stayed there frozen, as if someone were still there. Freaky.

I laid my head back in the pillow after looking at the alarm clock on the night stand next to me. 8:34. Great. I heard some one quietly walking up the steps as if they thought I was still sleeping.

I was going to say 'I'm up', but then the door opened and I just couldn't say anything. I heard a low 'hey', and new it was Sean. Then I heard a girls voice. Sweet, soft, and small. "Journey, wake up. It's about 8:30." No Jemma, now it's almost nine. I thought as I stayed still. "We brought breakfast". Dan said.

I turned my face to the left to see a smiling Sean. I smiled back and then turned so my stomach was up and I scooted up so my back was against the wall.

"We will down stairs of you need us." Jemma said handing me my platter of toast, eggs, and "BACON!" they knew I loved bacon. Like, LOVE!

I smiled at them and picked up a piece of bacon. Sean tried to grabbed one and I slapped his hand. He pulled back and smiled when I smiled at him for his attempt. Sean stood up straight when I made a 'no' face and bit a piece of the bacon.

Sean chuckled and they walked out of the room to leave me with my bacon.

I finished eating my breakfast and went down stairs to get ready for the day. When I walked downstairs I knew right away Sean and Dan were probably making videos. I saw Noah and he he hugged me.

"I can't believe your getting married!
I know. Neither can I?
Well, I missed you.
Ya me too. Where have you been you g all this time?
I have some friends that I hang out with.
Right, since when do you have friends?" he looked at me in the eyes with a death look.

"You know, you just killed the moment!
Oh. Sorry. " sarcasm. "You know me, always the buzz kill. And I was just kidding. Heh.
Ya I know." We hugged one last time and he walked about in the direction of where the pets were.

I saw Jemma at the dinning room table with a pencil and paper and he computer in front of her with Facebook up and a text that said, 'Journey is getting married and you are invited to the wedding. I will tell you more details about it later.' And then there was a video automatically playing and it looked like what happened last night. They recorded it? Well that's hot! I thought sarcastically. But then again, it is amazing because it's really a one a a life time, first time thing.

I walked towards Jemma and sat down. 'Need help with anything? "

"Well it is your wedding, so ya. Who should we bring to the wedding?

Well defiantly your mom, and Evie, Kay, Austin, Drake, you dad, Dans mom and dad." I kept going on and on and Jemma wrote the names down on the paper. I would slow down for her, of course. Then Jemma sent the text to the people who had Facebook and I sent it to the people who didn't have facebook, just a phone. We made a great team. Then I grabbed the notebook on the table and write down details for the wedding.

The wedding colors are, green, purple, and black. That would look so cool! Girls wear green with hints of black and purple shoes, guys were black with some green. We will dye flowers white, green, purple, and black. I will wear white with a purple belt and green shoes, with my hair up. Sean will were green with some purple. Ha.

The wedding is going to be in Hawaii and the after party is at Florida. For the party, we are going to Disney world and sea world and doing some other activities. The wedding is in the fall on October 21st. We got all the information in a notebook and then went to get some supper ready. Time really does go by fast when you are having fun of doing work.

We want it on October so that we see colors on the trees. I helped Jemma with the supper and then we all ate. Then all of us started thinking of more stuff and started in letters for people far away.

"Sean, when we go to ireland, we can tell your family!
Oh god. Just imagine what they are going to do hA!
Ha ha ha ha."
We are in Ireland to surprise the family.

"Mom." Sean said walking into the door holding my hand.
We are getting married!" He mouthed friends an are and amusement as everyone, one by one, walk into the kitchen, amused. I felt my cheeks feel warm, was I blushing?

Sean sisters ran to me squealing. They reached me and we started jumping up and down squealing together and when sean's dad cleared his throat,we stopped. We looked at him and he formed a smiled and opened his arms to me. One of sean's sisters nudge me towards him and he pulled me into a hug. I finally was going to have a family.

The girls and I sent upstairs to talk about it and Sean stayed with the rest of his family downstairs.
Kay and Drake went down the isle together, then Dan and Jemma, then Noah and his girlfriend Brook, Sean's brothers and sisters with there loves, and Evie and Austin. I chose kay, Jemma, Evie, Josh's girlfriend, and sean's sisters and sister in laws to be my bridesmaid and sean's were Austin, Drake, Dan, Noah, and his brothers and brothers in law. Sean was the first to go down and when I was next, everyone stood up and a thousand years played by Christina Perri. Sj, the monkey walked me down The isle and when I reached Sean, Sj wen up on my shoulders. The flower girl and ring boy got pulled in a wagon by Zeus, down the aisle before me. When I got up there, everyone sat down and we did our promises. The ring boy came with the rings and we put them on each other's hands.

After that I threw my boutique and Kay and Drake  caught in with one of Kay's hands on it and one of Drake's hands on it too. They held it up together and I just laughed. After that it was a talk and get to know the families and thanks for coming and a lot of  dances. Dan and Sean's dad danced with me for a father daughter dance. It was then a mother son dance with Sean, his mom, and Jemma. Soon it was over, but for a few weeks, we are staying at Florida. We just have 2 days to pack. It's going to be amazing and I hope I can keep Sean forever.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A few hours went by after getting off the plane to Florida. We got our hotel rooms and unpacked and waited for everyone else to get ready to head out. Not everyone at the wedding came because either they were busy, didn't want to go, or it coated money. But we did pitch in with some of the family in money.

Sean was talking about going to Alaska for our honey moon. Sean made all of his videos before we came to Florida and before the wedding. After everyone unpacked, we went to the pool\ waterpark, that was in the back. Jemma's mom was watching the pigs and my babies while we went to Florida because she is scared of heights so she would not like the plane. We stayed in Florida for 3 weeks and Dan would do vlogs and tell us how great the internet is.

At sea world we got to swim with sharks, dolphins, whales, turtles, and more. The best part about that is that we brought out waterproof camera case and got to record is under water. Even Jemma finally put a new video up on her channel. We almost went on all the rides in Disney land. The tower of terror got Dan and Noah badly. Poor Brook and Jemma, they had to deal with it. Ha.
Everyone took the plane back home and Sean and I went to Alaska from the Florida airport. It took a few planes, but we made it. Here we were going to see moose, the race, and see husky pups. Their so cute.  

We would stay at Alaska for 2 weeks and then go to Dan and Jemma's to get Lissy, Zeus, and Cj and then go back home.

I'm Alaska we saw the sled races and got to try and ride one.
6 years later

Sean and I have 4 kids, and I will say the names in order of the ages. Sam 5, Blake 4, Summer 3, and Autumn is 1. Sean is very protective of his girls like he said in one of his videos. They play nice with the pets though.

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