Bye U.K

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It was the day we had to leave. The band found a huge house in Ireland to all stay at. It was like a mansion. It reminded me of the old building we went to. It had 6 big bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. It had a kitchen, garage, shed, basement, attack, garden, and green house. 

It even had just a big room for what ever. We made that room the room we practice in. I helped Mel find a house and she came over a lot. 

It was so huge and insulated. It had 4 floors and painted white. It was very clean and not spooky at all. XD. When we got to the mansion, we got all out stuff moved in. The spare room had 5 closets and we our stuff in it. 

We each got our own closet and the mansion had about 20 closets in all. 

When we all got on the plane I think we all fell asleep and in the airport we gave so.... many autographs. A kid even came up to our group and told us something very helpful. The little girl said our band name should be called Dream catchers or starlight. 

I asked her why and she told me because we all inspire people to follow their dreams and that we are like stars giving off light when she listens to our music. Everyone looked at her pleased and thanked her for the ideas. 

I even forgot we didn't have a name for the band. We thanked the little girl and she nodded giving us a hug and left with her dad. We all got out of the airport and went home. Sean and I put everything away and was happy to be back home. Mel looked around the house and I showed her where she could stay for the night or until we found a house. 

That day we started looking for a house and let Sean make his videos. I also walked around town with Mel and showed her everything. We found a small house but it was suitable for Mel. She bought the house and looked around. 

"We might have to do work in it. 
Ya." We looked around the house and the wallpaper was horrible and paint chips everywhere. The bathroom was big and there was a decent size room. All the rooms were empty so Mel would have to buy stuff she liked. 

Mel and I walked back home and it was almost 6:00. We got home and Mel got in the bathroom so I made my moms Cheesy Chicken Enchiladas.

 Lissy jumped onto the counter and her tiny little tail brushing against my arm. It tickled and I picked her up and rubbed my nose on her head. 

She meowed and purred and rubbed her little head against my cheek. I smiled and put her back down on the counter. She stared at me when I made the mix and got the soft shells in the pan and put the mix in with it. 

The chicken Enchiladas are spicy but delicious. Mel got out of the shower by the time the pan was in the oven. The band came over and walked in the door. Zeus ran to them and braked bouncing backwards. It was really cute. 

"Well hello." I said annoyed that they didn't knock.

"I didn't here a knock." Just then Austin knocked on the door with it open and everyone walked in.

"Oh my god guys.
Ha. Sorry.
What smells so good?

My moms best plate. Cheesy Chicken Enchiladas.


Ya. It is spicy but really good. I made enough. Want some?
Sure." They all said. I got into the shower and when I got out I changed clothes and got ready for bed. I got out and Sean was done with videos and in the kitchen. 

The oven beeped and I took out the pan and cut slices. Everyone got one and sat at the table and ate. When everyone was done I did the dishes and Sean took a shower. The band went home and we all went to bed. 

Sean got done with the shower, I brushed my teeth and we went upstairs. Mel was already sleeping in her room. Sean and I went to bed and Lissy and Zeus in their bed. 

I woke up and went down stairs. I picked up the house and unpacked our stuff. I put on a shirt that hangs on one side that shows my shoulder and leggings. I brushed my teeth and left the house. I walked around town trying to remember the town.

I looked at all the shops and houses. It brought back memories of everyone I talked to and the memories of when me and Sean were 'just friends'. Some of the places reminded me of the stores in England. 

Except the stores looked older and more ancient. I missed the small towns the most in Ireland. After walking around in the town, I walked back to the house. Zeus greeted me at the door and Lissy trotted behind him.

I walked in at about 10:00 and Sean was making videos. I thought maybe it was time for me to make videos again because who know how long it's been. 

I got my phone and computer and headed to the bands mansion. I walked with a bag that had my phone and computer in it and my charger in the front pocket. I got to the big house and knocked on the double door. 

The door opened and I walked in to be greeted by Evie. 


Hey! Wanna do something today?
Well ya. But what?
I don't know.

We could go shopping. 

Ya. I was also thinking about making more videos because it's been so long.
Sure. But make a video about what?
Oh my god Eve. I don't know. 
Ha ha. Am I making you mad?

Ha. No. Never. 


Evie and I walked into the big living room with the fireplace that had a view of the pool in the back and the patio behind it. I have gotten back to Ireland just late last night and I already feel like I need to do a lot. The band and I made videos about truth or dare or getting to know each other.

I edited and uploaded the videos. It was about 7:00 at night and I haven't eaten anything yet today.

¨We should all go out to eat!
Like where?

I don't know but i'm starving.¨ I saw as my stomach growled. 

We all thought of a place to eat and Drake drove us all. We went to a Buffet and payed in to eat. We sat down and ate. The Buffet was packed and we were lucky to get in. We left about an hour after and it was all dark out. 

I got dropped off at home and saw Sean on the couch doing normal 'him'things. I went up to bed shortly after I got home and Sean followed me to bed. I fell asleep when my head hit the pillow. 

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