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The plane ride was longer than I thought. To get to Kansas to think it's less that 2 hours. But this one was about 8 to 10 hours. We stopped 1 time and then snuck onto the next plane. I didn't read the sign and then we ended up in... ENGLAND!!!

"Uh-oh. Noah we were on the wrong plane!" We walked out of the airport and I felt the change in the heat in England. Noah and I walked around and I saw a familiar house. 

"OMG is that DanTDM's house?" Noah and I walked to the door and I knocked. A young girl opened the door... it was Jemma!

Hi. I'm Journey and this is Noah and we went on the wrong plane and we were heading to Kansas to go to my aunt and uncles but we are here. 
Oh. Wanna come in?
Would I? Of course." Jemma moved and gestured us in. Noah ran inside all tired and that's when the pugs barked and Dan came out of the kitchen.

"O MY GOSH! It's DanTDM!
Hi. What brings you guys here? 
Long story short my parents got killed and we tried to walk then took a plane to Kansas to see our aunt and uncle and sort of got onto the wrong plane.
Oh Haha." He and Jemma laughed making me laugh. 

"Want something to eat?
Ya, and somewhere to stay.
Well it's fine with me." Jemma said looking at Dan then to me.
How long are you staying? 
I don't know.
Well you 2 can stay as long as you want.
Really? Ok! Thank you so... much!" I hugged Dan and Jemma and Noah followed. 

Dan showed us around the house and we played with the pugs. I checked my YouTube channel. 

Can I make videos on my YouTube channel of you and Jemma or no?
It's fine. Just no one else is aloud to stay. 
Ok. I promise no one else to stay as long as me." I smiled at Dan and he looked at me and smiled back.

I turned on my phone and started a video. Hi everyone it's Journey and i'm here with DanTDM!" When I said that Ellie, one of the pugs, jumped on my leg. 

"Awe Ellie." I picked her up and showed her towards the camera. Then I showed the camera to Jemma and she looked at me a smiled.

"Doing a video?
Ya." I walked into Dan's office and showed the man who owned it all. Dan. I pointed the camera to Dan while still holding Ellie.

Hi." Dan looked at me and then looked at his computer. Huh. Dan must be editing. 

I went into the kitchen and showed the camera then went through the whole house and showed the camera. I turned off the camera when it got to 6:00 minutes. 

"Jemma where do Noah and I sleep?
Come with me." We went upstairs to an empty bedroom. I put the suitcase in the room and put everything away. 

I called Noah upstairs and showed him our room. The bed was huge. And that's good because I kick and hit in my sleep. Noah helped me put stuff away in the drawers and closets.

"Do I owe you guys anything for this?
No you don't owe us anything. 
Really? are you sure?
I'm sure." Jemma said smiling and giving me a hug. I was pretty sure I was about to tear up because I am here with my favorite YouTuber's and I get to stay at their house for free.

I waited for Jemma to leave the room to talk to Noah.

"Hey, Noah?
Can you try to help us? All of us? You know be good. Not how you were when we were home with mom and dad. Be good and listen to Dan and Jemma and even me.
Thanks buddy." I said rubbing my hand on his head and smiling.

I grabbed the soap, hair stuff, and clothes. I go down stairs and take a shower. The bathroom was pretty big. It could fit more than 40 people! I might be over exaggerating but oh well. I smiled and turned in the water and undressing letting the warm water hit my skin. I got my hair wet and washed it then rinsed and put conditioner then washed my body.

I rinsed my hair and all the soap off then turned off the water and dried nyself. I got dressed into my cute top that my friends told me looked like a pioneers shirt and tights. The shirt was white and swayed but showed belly when it wooshes in the wind.

 The shirt was white and swayed but showed belly when it wooshes in the wind

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And the leggings

I got dressed and went out of the kitchen

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I got dressed and went out of the kitchen.

Time for your bath!
K!" He ran down with clothes and his stuff he needs.

I went to the kitchen and got food and then looked at the time. It was almost 11:00.

"Wow. It's getting late.
It's going to be Wednesday soon." Jemma said coming from the living room.

Wow me and Noah have been traveling for almost 2 DAYS!
Wow. And you did some of it on foot.
Well almost half of it actually.
Wow I bet you guys are tired.
Ya but we slept a little on the plane so..." I heard the microwave beep and took out my bowl of mac and cheese. The one in the plastic bowls where you put water in then put it in the microwave.

I took it out and got a spoon and ate like I haven't for days. Well I kind of didn't, me and Noah just snacked.

I finished and thought the bowl away and put the spoon in the sink. Noah got out of the bath and I mad him Romon noodles. He finished it and cleaned up then played with the pugs. I brushed my teeth and then washed my face and it was around 12:00.

"Noah time for bed.
Ok." Jemma, Dan, Noah, and I went to bed after turning off all the lights. I got upstairs and plugged in all my electonics to their charger and plugged that to the outlet and went to bed.

"Night everyone!" We all said.

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