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We woke up and packed the cars. Lissy and Zeus fell asleep in the back and then we headed back home. 

When we got home Sean and I cleaned and then unloaded the car and put stuff away. Lissy and Zeus ate when they got inside and we gave them their food and water. 

Then Sean and I went out for breakfast. Weeks pasted and I brought Mel to the U.S when we all went. It was the same as the Ireland tour but Mel was with us. 

We all went to New York for a few days. We took the plane around the places. Mel and I went to go see Jaden and all of their family and mine. But not my parents. It was amazing in new York and we went to Washington next. 

So many people were there and saw us and gave all of us gifts. Sean was acting like a child near everyone and happy to see everyone and be here for the first time with me. Well Sean always acts like a child but doesn't say it. 

It was so fun. We then went to Orlando, Florida, Austin, Texas, Miami, Florida, Alabama. We went everywhere in the U.S and so much money was spent. But life being famous, and I got this from when Noah always watching RomanAtwoodVlogs. He does so much crazy stuff.

And he has millions of subscribers. The more he does crazy shit, the more subscribers and money he gets. Sean and I made about 2,000 videos in the U.S in all. We all, band, Mel, Sean, and I made so much more subscribers and fans. 

To this day, it was one of the greatest memories of Sean and the band. We got so many suvaneeres, gifts, fans, and so much memories. We all even went to Disney Land and Sea World in Florida. 

We went on the elavator thing, saw almost all of the water shows at Sea World and saw so many animals. In Sea World, when they do the show things that the sea animals do a bunch of tricks, they pick a volunteer to help with the trick. Sean, Mel, the band, and I were in the front row and I got picked.

Sean help is camera and Drake held mine and I went up and did the tricks with the sea animals. I got to go into the water and swim with them too. I was so sun burnt when I got to the hotel again. 

The worse part of vacations are getting burnt and leaving. It was amazing to be picked as a volunteer because thousands of people were in the stands. I was were a bikini but a white shirt over my top bikini. 

When I got out of the water, the shirt clung to me and you could see my swim suit. The dolphins, part of the trick, pulled me in the water and everyone loved it. When I got volunteered and everyone looked at me, their eyes widened and screamed. 

It was amazing for fans to see me up and getting volunteered and being there. 

When we got to the hotel, we had our own outdoor pool and went in it. It was night so I wouldn't get burnt again. The worst part of being a redhead is getting burnt. I hated the summer because my hair got white, blonde, and orange streaks in the read and my hair gets lighter. 

In the winter it turns darker. We swam in the pool until 11:00 and we all went back to the inside of the hotel all tired and burnt. 

"I have not been to a hot place like this since I was about 17.

So like 5 years ago?
Ya. I think. It has been too long that's for sure. 
Ha. Well what do you think about it now?

Hot and nice. Heh." We played games until 12:30 and went to the next place... Canada. From Florida to Canada, it was about 2 day plane ride. This hole time was plane ride but we walked to other places to get to stores and stuff in 1 city other wise city to city, we took a tour bus. 

I checked my YouTube account and I had about 20 million subscribers. We got to Canada and went to the places where more people are for the first tour in Canada. We visited a friend of Sean's who was in Canada for a while too... PewDiePie. 

I couldn't believe that the band and I were going to meet him. When we got to a hotel in the same town as PewDiePie, we slept for the night and half the day, went to eat, went back to the hotel and talked, slept for that night, and got up in the morning. 

I got out of the shower and braided a small fraction of a front piece of hair and then did a side ponytail with the rest of the hair. 

The side ponytail went over my right shoulder and the bread was at the side of the left side of my face. I put on something nice for my first face to face with PewDiePie. 

I pit on mascara and eyeliner and let other people have a chance in the bathroom

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I pit on mascara and eyeliner and let other people have a chance in the bathroom. We got up earlier than usual because ever since we got here we basically slept the whole time and ate. After everyone got ready, we went out to eat. 

It was very cold in Canada but just imagine us going to Alaska. Sean hated the cold weather but like it a little better than the heat because we were fried and needed the cold to cool us down.  

Everyone in Canada had very light skin like they have never been in the sun and gotten a tan or burnt. Too bad I don't tan, I burn. I hate being a redhead because there is so many flaws. We ate and went back to the hotel until 11:00.

Sean was texting PewDiePie before we left and the rest of the band went around the town to shop or look around so it was just me and Sean. Mel went with the band into the town. 

We got to where PewDiePie was and walked in. 

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