4th of July

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Before I went to bed, put on Pj's fast because of how tired I was. I ate a sandwich and went upstairs to bed. Lissy and Zeus followed me up the stairs nearly falling back down trying to jump from one to the other. 

"I'm happy your back.

I told you and promised I wouldn't leave you." I said looking him in the eyes with a hand on his cheek.

"I know. But not even you can tell the future.

I know. But I sort of did too.
Ha. Ya.
Ha." I put my head on his chest and Sean rocked both of us asleep. 

I woke up and everyone was still asleep, like always. I went down stairs and grabbed  my phone and texted Evie.

'Hey what's up?
Nothing. Sort of just woke up.

Oh. Sorry.

No. It wasn't you. 
Oh. Your mamas callin back. Talking 'bout the cat. Or 'bout how your dads gotten fat. Ha ha.
Oh. My. God. Ha ha. 

It was my moms ringtone on her phone for her mom.' I sighed when I brought her up

'Hey I bet your mom is so proud of you and that you found someone too. 

Ya. My family was disappointed when I had never had a boyfriend at 15. Ha.

Ya. I bet she is crying with tears of joy that you remember the memories and her.

Ya.' A tear slipped through my eyes. 

'So what are you doing today?
Nothing. I just got home.
Oh. From where?
The United States.

Oh. Why didn't you bring me? Ha.
It was family stuff and sorry.
No it's fine. We might go a lot anyway for tours.

Ya. Like how I met Sean. 
Ha. Ya.'
 We talked for a while and I hung up. It was a long, meh, conversation. 

Later everyone woke up and did their normal routine. And the first person that came up to me in the morning was Mel.

"Hey sleepyhead.

Hey." She yawned, put her arms in the air, and stretched. 

"Come here.
What?" Mel dragged me away from the stairs to the hall where no one was.

You still have scars!" Mel looked me up and down from knees to face. I was wearing shorts and a tank top for Pj's. I walked to the bathroom and looked at my scared knees. The blood was dry and ran down to my calf's. I took off my tank top and luckily I had a bra on because Mel was in the bathroom with me looking at my scars and dried blood. 

"Holy shit dude. 
I know. Bad fight." I looked at my stomach that was full of blood and even my 8 pack was bruised up.  

I turned around and looked at my back and saw a deep cut that almost looked like a whole. The blood ran down to my shorts. I couldn't even explain how much blood was on me. 

"What the hell?

Ya." I kept looking at myself. I put my tank top back on and Lissy came into the bathroom. She tried to climb up Mel's leg and Mel just picked her up. 


I never thought I would actually meet Jack.

Ya. Well now you have. And we have less than a month in England you know. And then we are going back to Ireland.

Why did you come here in the first place?

Ok. So Dan and Jemma was my family and only family when I ran away and everyone back at home thought I was dead. So Dan and Jemma became my only family so I visited them, me and Sean did and ya. 

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