Meet the Family part 2

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The tacos got done so we all sat down at the table to eat. My hair he to be behind the chair behind me to stay out of my face.

I had one taco but it was really good. OH MY GOD GOOD!

One of Sean's brother asked me. "What else are you?
What do you mean?
Your Irish... so. What else?!
Well I guess I am also Norwegian, German, British and more.  
Do you not know?
No because my real dad is British and something else but I don't know. 
Ask him. Duh.
I can't.
Why and why did you say real dad  like you had a step dad? And you don't seem Irish
Because I do have a step dad. And my Real DAD abused me, that's why I know nothing! And I may not seem Irish because I am not just Irish like you. AND it is hard to be Irish AND British in the same body because so much goes wrong with that!" It got quiet and I sat back barely breathing and not moving. Just staring at my arms.

"My." Sean's mom said.

"Sorry!" Said the brother sarcastically. I did nothing but sit. I was humiliating Sean and his family, and even me. Why does his siblings hate me!?

"Excuse me." I said getting up and walking to the step. Mt hair fell behind me swinging back and forth when I walked because that's what thick hair does. 

I sat on the steps in the dark. Yes it was dark and I was on the front steps laying on my back looking at the sky talking to myself. 

"Why am I a fail and have to screw everything up? I am an embarrassment. I bet I embarrassed Sean, me, and his family. WHY!?" I started feeling tears but held them back.

I heard the door open but ignored it. 

"I am sorry." I looked up and behind me to see one of Sean's sisters. 

"And you didn't embarrass Sean. He is used to it because WE even picked on him. I'm sorry. I know what it is like to be in your place and then feel bad.
You do?

Oh." I got up and just sat and then she sat beside me.

"Are you ok?

A little bit now.
Oh. Wanna come back in?
I don't know.
We talked about it and, we, the brothers and sisters, are not bothering you anymore. And we were kind of testing you too because you know, protecting our little brother.

Heh. I know how that feels.
Ya. So come on.

Oh ok.
Yay!" She pulled my arm back inside and everyone saw me again.

"You okay honey?" Sean's mom asked.
Ya. I think so." Sean's sister sat down and I sat back down by Sean. 

The boys and the girls said sorry and I showed a small smile. We all finished eating and talked again. 

We were all getting along and laughing now and I was being my self and one of the girls loved to play with my long annoying hair. 

"I just love your hair!" One of Sean's sisters said running her fingers through in and feeling the curls.

"Thanks. You can have it because it is so... annoying. 
No way. It is yours and why do you think it is annoying? I would do anything to have red hair.

Oh. Well I got made fun of for it because of things about redheads. And sometimes it wont stay out of my face. 
Oh. Well it would be cute if it were a little bit in your face.

I know. But it tickles my nose. Ha.

Oh ha ha." I was getting along with Sean's family but one of his brothers would make faces at me and shake his head towards me too when I looked at him. 

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