Of Course!

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I stopped hugging Sean and picked up the box.

"Oh wait! I got stuff for them. 
Ok." Sean ran out to the car and got a cat and dog bed and 4 bowls and food. 2 small bowls for the kitten and 2 bigger bowls for the puppy. 

I picked up the box with the babies in it and brought them upstairs. With Sean following my with the beds for them. The kitten and puppy woke up in the box and yawned at the same time. Priceless!

"So they are both mine?

Ya. But it comes with a contract.
A contract?
Ya. I'll do it in the morning though.
Umm. OK. Night. 
Night." Sean put the beds by my bed and I set the box on the floor by my closet and they got out of the box.

The kitten tried getting on to my bed and fell off the side. Awe. poor baby. I picked up the kitten and put it on the bed beside me. The I scooted over to the right and set the kitten in the spot to my left. The puppy backed up to my closet and ran, well puppy ran, to my bed and then slipped on the floor. Awe.

I put my hand on the side of the bed and the puppy came to the bed and jumped up. The puppy barely made it. I fell asleep with the kitten and puppy. 

I woke up and didn't even know if they were boy and girl. I know the puppy was a boy so I checked and the kitten was a girl. I named the boy Zeus, and the girl Lissy as in Lisssssy like the snake ssss. 

It was still dark and I woke to the puppy having a dream and kicking his tiny legs into my side. 

I quickly fell back to sleep after. I woke up and it is now morning. I forgot all about what Sean meant about a contract and went down the hall downstairs and got onto my computer. Lissy and Zeus followed my slowly down the steps. I got on my favorite couch, the one by the window.

Sean was still sleeping and Zeus and Lissy got on the couch and lied beside me. My feet were up on the couch and Zeus and Lissy were laying on them. 

Sean came down the steps and saw me on my computer with my pets. 

"Ready for the contract?

What contract?
The one I said you had to do to get the kitten and puppy. 

Ok. Then where is it?
Right here." Sean said gesturing to himself.

What is this?" I said getting very annoyed. I shut my computer and was about to get up until Sean walked towards me and pushed back onto the couch lightly. Lissy and Zeus got up and stared at us. Zeus was barking at both of as and growling at Sean.

"HA!" I smiled sassily at Sean and he smirked at me.

Will you... will you go out with me?" I stared blankly at him with my mouth open.

Uh. I don't know what to say. And is this why you bought me all that stuff yesterday?

Have you never had a boyfriend? And maybe.
No. Because every guy is an asshole!
Am I?" I stopped talking and thought for a moment.


Ok. I guess I deserve that. So what is you answer?" I thought for a moment again. What will happen if I say yes? Is he a nice guy? I know I've been at his house for a while but.. I don't know. I don't want to hurt him. What is going to happen with our life? Will I get to even travel places anymore? I haven't been a lot of place yet.

"Yes." His eyes widened and he picked me up off of the couch. His hands were around my waist and my arms were around his neck. We smiled at each other and he was about to kiss me and I just gave him a hug.

He put me down on the couch and went to the kitchen and ate. Then he went back to the living room and I had Lissy in my arms.

"Well that was fast." I said stoking the kittens back with my nails. Lissy started purring and cuddling against my chest. 

"Ha ha! 
Ha ha. 

Were you trying to do the 'I was expecting you' thing?
Kind of. HA ha!
Ha ha!" Sean sat down beside me and pet Lissy. 

"So what did you call them?
This is Lissy and he is Zeus." I said pointing at Zeus and then scratching behind his ear.
"Cool. So why those name?
I don't know . I guess I liked Lissy and Zeus seemed like a good name.

Well I am not saying they are bad names. Just unique names.
I know." Sean kissed me on the cheek and got up to make videos. 

I got onto Facebook and saw all the things on my feed that people posted and shared or tagged me in. I almost cried at some of them. It looks like my family and friends in the United States think i'm dead!

I started crying and petted and cuddled with my pets and lied down on the couch.

I wanted to call my family but what would happen if I did? I texted Jemma for advise and told her all the news.

'You should come over for a few weeks. You and Sean.
Really? Ok when he is done with his videos, I will talk to him. 

Ya he is a YouTuber.

Oh. What is his YouTube name? 

Ok. I will search him up. 
Ok. Bye Jem.
Bye see you soon'

I stayed on Facebook looking at how everyone felt that I just went missing. Even the friends I talked to at school thought I was gone. And of course quite a few people didn't care about my disappearance. I should have disappeared sooner. I thought to myself still cuddling on the couch with my babies.

Sean came out about 2 hours later and finished with a video. It was almost lunch time and my belly was rumbling. I got up and went to the kitchen for food. 

"Are you Okay?
My real family thinks i'm dead!"

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