New Pet

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I woke up the next morning and went into the bathroom. I changed into a shirt that goes down on one side to show one of my shoulders. And then I wore black pants, and of course my necklace that I wear everyday. 

One my last video I sang for YouTube, people called me the high note angel. My friend Jaden helped me with my voice because I was a Soprano and could hit high notes and with her help, I can make very very high notes not crack my voice.

It is like I am screaming but singing and it sounds really good. I still think if Jaden. I know I can see her but I am always busy and when I am not busy, I forget all about it. 

Too bad I can't sing low notes too. I can only sing really high and it doesn't hurt my throat. 

I got out of the bathroom and did another Gmod with the boys. For some reason they make jokes but you know, it's too funny to argue. 

I shot Mark as a refrigerator. I walked into his room and turned to the right and shot him. We all started laughing because Jack couldn't find him even though he was outside in a horrible spot. 

"I thought we were friends. 
No. You are just someone I talk to. Ha.
Oh ha ha ha. 
No. We can be friends if you want. 
No. I'm telling my mommy! Ba. Ha ha. Heh.
Ha ha ha." Everyone else laughed and then Mark did too. 

"What's wrong? Did Journey get you again? Ha ha. 
No!" Mark and Bob said. We laughed harder and then soon we stopped. Mark got me back in the next round and it was close. 

We had less that 30 seconds and I ran for it and then at 5 seconds, Mark caught me. We all laughed because it was really close and Jack HAD  to die! Ha.

The game was over and so many comments came in and people saw my gaming videos and listed games for me too play. Soon I started playing Resident Evil, Outlast, Zombie games, Subnautica, GTA 5, a little bit of Mine craft, and other games. 

My favorite were survival games, horror, and story games. Story games like Resident Evil and Outlast.

I did so many other things but now my channel and careers are leveling up. On my channel I play games, do vlogs, crazy stuff, sing, do tutorials of instruments or how to play one, make art, create things for home living, and shout outs. 

I did YouTube on the days my friends were busy, we already made songs, or in my free time. If you love your job or what you are doing, it comes easy to you so you get more stuff done fast. That is how I can write songs, make tunes, and do YouTube at the same time. 

I had many jobs. I just do most of them in free time because I don't have a boss or some one to tell me what to do everyday so I could do what ever I want. 

I can even go to bed whenever I want and wake up when ever I want because I don't have a curfew and I don't need  sleep.

I could even quit all my careers, but I would never do that because all of the things I do is what I love. 

I do YouTube, create songs, and make art. I also have some hobbies too that I will do in my free, spare time. 

When I got done making that video with me and the boys, I went to the kitchen and made supper. I put homemade pizza in the oven. My favorite kind is cheese. The only kinds of pizza I like it pepperoni, sausage, cheese, and taco. I won't east any other kind. 

I looked at my phone and looked at my notifications that family texted me. I still miss them and it is sad that I have never went back to them and I am turning 26 and I left at 17. It has been about 9 years since I have seen my real family. 

I hope to see them soon and I do still text them for hours and video chat them in my free time. I haven't even seen Noah for a while. I still text him, Dan, and Jemma a lot too. I went outside and walked around to breathe.

I thought about everything and everything flashed back at me. The fight with my dad, my parents dieing, me telling my friends, me crying to them, and then me running from it all.

I walked into an alley and slip up against a wall crying. I watched as the flashback took me back to when me and Noah were running and Noah would fight with me because he missed our parents.

Then I watched as my parents got killed, helplessly, and I was at school not even knowing anything. I kept crying until it got later. Lets say I was in the alley for about 2 hours thinking and getting DeJa Vu. 

I decided to walk back home and on my way, I would here things so I stayed in and out of the light at the same time. Because in the light, someone could see me but in the dark, some one could sneak up behind me.

I heard something in a nearby trash and struggled to see what it was at first. I dared not to open the lid, then I did. I saw a baby monkey in it. Hurt, hungry, tired, and stuck. I awed sorry for it. I held out my hand and the monkey took it and then climbed up my arm, onto my shoulder. 

I backed from the garbage and hugged the monkey. I could hear it's stomach growl like it was eating it's insides. The monkey layed on my shoulder while I walked back home.

                                                                      *Sean's point of view*- This is my first time so tell me if you like when I switch pov's.

I got a text from Mark that said he was outside my door. What the hell?

I opened it and let him in. We gave each other a bro hug and talked. 

"Sorry I didn't tell you. I wanted it a surprise.
It's fine. 

Where is Journey?

Outside somewhere.
Oh. What do you want to do?
I don't know. Games?
Ha ha ha ha ha." I played games with Mark and then later I heard the door. 

"Babe! I got a surprise!
Oh shit. You are a dad?" Mark asked.
"What no! I hope not. Not yet." Journey came in with a... Monkey on her shoulders.

"Oh my god!" Journey and Mark bursted out laughing.

"You are unpredictable and selflessless. 
You help people and things way too much. Ha ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Sorry!" Journey walked to the bathroom and I heard the water run.

"And hi Mark sorry I ignored you.
It's fine. Are you keeping it?

Yes. If Sean says we can.
Ok. It's cute. Is there a name yet?
No. I didn't think of it. 


Yaaaa." Journey gave it a bath and then fed it and let it sleep on her. The monkey had it's leg wrapped around her waste and it's arms around her neck and the monkey was hanging on her front sleeping. But it was cute. 

                                                       * Journey's point of view*

"What should we name it?
Maybe Cj, or Alex. 

I like SJ. Like the both of us. 
Hm. Ya. So SJ?
Ya. SJ." Mark and Sean smiled at me and I smiled at sleeping SJ. We let Mark sleep in the guest room, Sean and him turned off the game and we all went to bed and SJ Slept in my arms. 

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