New House

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A few weeks later


Sean and I are thinking about moving and if we do, we have a house ready and everything planned out. I am 26 and Sean is 27. 

I have used my channel more and have over half of half of PewDiePie's subscribers. My band have been getting interviews and now I think when I go back to the United States, I am hanging out with my family. 

And that means Sean can meet Roger again and maybe we could bring Sean's family for an old friend reunion. 

Lissy and Zeus are getting older and I am so sad they are not babies anymore. 

Sj is healthier than when I found him and loves staying with us. I have seen him sitting on Zeus and Lissy running away. I took videos of it and they, were so funny. 

We now have many albums, about 40 million subscribers, followers, and I don't even know what is going on with my life anymore. It has been crazy, but at the same time, it's is an amazing experience. 


Sean and I are moving. We got everything ready and we are going to England. I can't wait. But it is weird to be away from everybody. I know the UK is neighbors with Ireland, but now we have to travel a lot to see family.

We still have to travel kilometers to Ireland and the US. And now we have to travel less distance to Dan's but still have to travel on holidays.

In a few months, we are going to the US. And we are bringing Sean's family so they can see my grandparents again and reunite. 

I can't wait to see their reaction! Sean just finished up a video and is now playing with the pets with me. We are all running around the living room, chasing each other, and laughing. Sean and I got most things packed and then we will head to Britain. 

I can't wait to see and actually live in the new house. Right now we are waiting for a call from the buyers tomorrow and then they will show up and then we are all out.

We just have a few more hours left to leave the apartment. Right now it is about 12:00. I can't wait until tomorrow. But we will have to say bye to Sean's side before we head to the airport. 

Moving to a different country is hard because you have to have someone buy your vehicle too. Then you use it to get to the airport and the buyers have to get it from the airport when we leave. 

If you were the buyer, it would be more difficult to comprehend if someone were explaining it. 

But after nights and nights of me and Sean talking, we decided to move to Britain. We got everything packed and got started on many more videos. I couldn't leave my best friends, so they are coming too. 

We are selling the mansion. It is going to be really sad to let it go. Especially if I had to leave my favorite spot in it, the attic. 

Well at least I spent the last few weeks, month, in the new attic from my birthday. Oh my gosh I am going to miss that huge house. But it is also a good thing we are moving because now the neighbors don't have to deal with a screaming Sean.

Later that day we decided to check out the house and then tomorrow, we could pack the vehicles and go to the airport and the big stuff, we will have to work out. Maybe take a boat.

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