Run! Run! Run!

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I'm up in the office with Mrs. Bowden. She is talking to the office people and i'm thinking of what to say to Noah, my brother.

"Journey?" The office lady called my name and I saw Mrs. Bowden walk past me out the door. She is probably going back to class.

Is there anyone you would like to come to the office to talk to?
Ya. I want Jaden Templin, Me-
Just a second..." She turned on the announcements and said what I said.

"Jaden Templin.
Jaden Templin, come to the office.
Melissa Hall.
Melissa Hall come to the office.
Miyah Paulson.
Miyah Paulson come to the office.
And Jewelissa Vazquez.
And Jewelissa Vazquez come to the office please. I repeat Jaden Templin, Melissa Hall, Miyah Paulson, and Jewelissa Vazquez come to the office please. Thank you."

In no time the girls rushed to the office finding me on one of the chairs waiting. They walked in and stood by me surrounding me, worried.

"I'll show you guys where you can go to talk." The office lady brought us to the empty principals office and shut the door leaving us girls.

"Why are we here?" Jewelz asked impatient.

'You guys can't tell anyone when I tell you. 
You can trust me." They all said.
I know. I have powers." They all just nodded theirs heads but I could tell they didn't get it.

Ok. So why are we here?" Miyah asked tapping her feet on the carpet.

"My parents are held hostage! and I am not aloud to go home and- a-an-and-
Oh my god, tell us!" Melissa blurted out almost smacking someone.
"My real dad is in town looking for me!" I started sobbing and couldn't stop. I stood up and my friends did too hugging me and almost crying with me.

"I am going back to class." Jewelz said walking out of the door. We all heard the glass door to the office shut. I just kept crying.

"What should we do?
I don't kno-kno-know." I told Jaden.

"Well you can stay at one of our houses and we won't let your dad get you.
YOU DON'T GET IT!" Everyone backed away from me.

'My dad is going to kill my parents if I don't give myself up. 
Then give yourself up!" Miyah yeld not really caring.

"Miyah!" Jaden said hitting her.

"Ok my mom said not to give myself up because he might hurt me again and use me for my power.
tell the police then.
NO! I don't people dying!
People are going to die either way Journey." Melissa said patting and rubbing my back.

"It's either run away or give up and either way it might ruin our friendship.
Why is Scott not here?
Because he might not care, laugh at it, or ya." I told Miyah.

"We don't want you to leave Journey.
I don't wan't to either. I have to get my brother and run and I need to go to my house to get my parents phones and money.
Ok we will just go back to class because you have your powers an-
NO! I can't use them. Dark magic is stronger than good and if I use dark too much I might become evil. And I don't wan't to be bad.
Ok, then text us if you need something. 
Your just going to LEAVE ME!? 
We can't do anything Journey!
Fine, GO!" I walked out of the room slamming the door so they know I was very disappointed.

I talked to the office lady and said bye. I took the high school hall way to get to Demoney to get Noah.

I walked to the office and asked for Noah Lockey. 

I am his sister.
Journey Johnson. Our dad's are different.
Parents and reason?
Tiffaney Lockey and Tim Lockey and my parents sent me to get him to go to our grandparents and it's urgent. So if you would hurry please. 
Ok." She must have called Noah's teacher because someone brought Noah down to the office and he looked worried.

"Hey buddy.
Hi. Where's mom and dad?
I'll tell you later, OK?
Ya." Noah walked over to me giving me a hug and holding my hand. I think he was happy to get out of school. Of course he was. XD

"So, Noah you know her?
Ya. She is my sister." He said looking up at me with a smile and I smiled back. Then we both looked at the office lady to say if we could go yet.

You may go now." With that me and Noah were out of there as fast as a bunny running from it's prey.

"So what happened to mom and dad?
My real dad is in town and is going to kill them and I got you out of school so we could run away.
I'm sacred. 
Me too. But guess what, your big sister is here to take care of you and guess what?
I have powers!"

Me and Noah went back home that was on central so everyone could see us. I had to tell Noah to be quiet. I got a shield made for me and Noah just in case. I broke the lock on the door and quietly opened the door.

I walked in to the house to find it empty. I found my parents phone and because I know technology I switched my moms account on her phone to mine after memorizing and righting down all the phone numbers on my moms phone to put on mine. I took the phone numbers just in case I needed to call someone. 

I did the same thing to my dad's phone. When I walked into the house, I found myself in the kitchen so I grab the butcher knife from the drawer and kept the shield around Noah.

When I walked further into the house I put my parents phone in my computer bag and took their chargers then looked around the house. My parents must have had a fight because the house was messier than normal.

"Noah stay behind the shield and stay close to me." I whispered. 
"Ok." He said worriedly. 

I grabbed my parents wallet and my dad's purse and took the money and pills I would need. I grabbed the suitcase from the basement and Noah got his clothes together and toys he would want with him. Then I grabbed stuff from my room and put my electronics in my computer bag or anything that has to do with my electronics. Then I grabbed big bags I found and pills we might use on the way.

Then I grabbed my hair supplies, clothes and girl stuff. I packed most off the medicine like cough drops, alka seltzer(Eww), ibeprophen, throat lounges, stuff for sickness and throat spray for when your throat hurts. I was happy everything fit in the bags. 

"Are we ready?
Oh. Wait."I grabbed all the batteries from the drawer and called my parents work and asked for the paychecks right away. It was about 1:00 and Noah and I walked to my parents and our banks and got out all of our money. Then we started walking to Kansas. Out of town.. through superior, to Spirit Lake, Okiboji, and then we found an airport.

It was about 4:00 Noah was tired but I got him to keep moving or we might die. We walked into the airport and one of them were going to Kansas. 

"Come on. This way." The flight was about to leave but we made it just in time. 

We need a pass.

Ok. I have a plan." Me and Noah had to sneak in onto the plane. We snuck in with a couple. 

"Yes we didn't get cought!" Me and Noah smile and run to the plane.

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