Monkey and Mark

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I woke up with the monkey holding and hugging my arm sleeping by me at the edge of the bed. Sean still slept by the wall and I slept at the end of the bed. 

I hugged the monkey and then Sean woke up. I turned to him and smiled.

"You really want to keep it?
SJ? Well ya.
You have so many pets. 
3 isn't a lot. I know people that have like 10 pets. 
I know but... 
But what. We can handle it and we have money. And besides, I found him.
Ok. I was just wondering because we are always busy.
But wherever we go, we take Lissy and Zeus and now we can have SJ too. 
Ok." Sean smiled and I smiled back. I looked at SJ and saw he was awake. 

We all went downstairs and saw Mark sitting on the couch on his phone. 

Oh hey.
Sorry we were not down here sooner.
It is fine.
And I am really sorry that I kind of ignored you yesterday.
It's fine, really." Mark laughed in his maniac way and then Sean laughed walking to the kitchen. Mark gave me a friend hug and then I took it hugging his.

 SJ softly hit Mark on the shoulder and he stopped hugging me and rubbed SJ's head. 1 day closer to my birthday. It was now next week on Tuesday.

I hated my birthday because in 6th grade, my aunt Beverly died and it is when Hitler was born. My birthday is just a mess. I have always hated my birthday after 6th grade and people keep telling me to get over it but, how am I supposed to?

I went into the kitchen with SJ on my shoulder, Mark behind me, and Lissy and Zeus running in front of us. 

"What are you guys all hungry for?
I don't know.
I can make pancakes.
YA!" Sean and Mark yelled making SJ plug his ears. We all laughed and then SJ unplugged his ears.

I started making pancakes and shortly after, they were done. Mark and Sean started on making videos so I took Lissy, Zeus, and SJ to my friends mansion. I got there and walked in.

Hi. Oh my gosh! You got a monkey?
Actually I found him.
What is his name?
SJ for Sean and Journey.

Oh that is neat. 
Ya. It's sad he was abandoned and og my gosh, Mark hugged me and SJ smacked him!
Omg really?
And Mark is at your house?
Ya him and Sean are making videos and I came to ask if anyone wanted to come to the vet with me.
Oh I will." Kay said and then Evie and then Austin and Drake. 

"Ok. Thanks guys!

Well of course. Are you going to see if SJ is ok?
Ya. And make sure he doesn't have worms or anything. 

Ya that is a good idea. 
Ya. When I got home I gave him about and hour long bath. Then I fed him but the thing is, he wouldn't eat. 
I know so I am taking him to the vet." We got into the big truck and I sat in the trailer with my pets. SJ looked at everything and was in awe.

We got to the vet and I took SJ in. Kay and Evie came in with me and the boys stayed with Lissy and Zeus. 

"Hello, how can I help you?

My monkey needs a checkup.
Ok. This way.
Thanks." I got to a room where a girl was in. There was a bed in the middle and cupboards behind her. 

Hi. I found this monkey in a garbage and I need to see if he is alright.

Ok." She took a look at SJ and said he was alright. He has only been in the garbage for a few days so he is not bad, but I will need to clean him very often for just a few weeks. 

"Thank you so much.
Yup and I know you guys are famous and I just wanted a picture because my children love you.
Ya sure. How many kids do you have?

6, and one on the way. 2 girls and 4 boys and I am waiting to see about this one. I hope it is a girl. 
Awe." We got a picture with the vet and then left. I saw the boys running around the parking lot with Zeus chasing them and Lissy in the back still. 

"We leave you guys for 30 minutes and come to this?" Evie pointed out.

"Yup." Austin said.

"Children. Ha ha ha.
Hey it is fun, you try.
I do. I live with basically 4! Ha ha ha.

Oh ha ha ha!" We got into the truck and I was in the back again with the pets. We got back to the house and started on songs. SJ want to play the keyboard so I watched him.

I knew SJ was a baby because of how small he was. Lissy and Zeus laid on the carpet falling asleep. We got another song done and by then it was about time for me to go home. I talked to my friends fro a while until it was 8.

I got into the car with my pets and then drove home. I was greeted at the door by Mark because he scared me when I went to look down at Zeus so he wouldn't trip me on the way in. 

Ha ha ha ha.
Fuck you dude.
Ha ha sorry. 
Ya whatever." I smiled then barged into the door and and let Lissy and Zeus walk in behind me. 


I heard Mark scare you.
Ya." I sat on the couch by Sean and Mark came in and sat on the chair. I knew Mark wasn't trying to be rude and I was not mad. I just didn't want to step on Lissy or drop SJ. 

We all watched TV and every time Sean tried to kiss me, SJ would softly smack Sean. I stood up and walked into the hallway to the kitchen to get the pets something to eat. 

Sean came into the kitchen and tried to kiss me again, but SJ would smack him again. Sean and I laughed then Sean took SJ and hugged him tightly. I don't know what happened but now SJ was use to Sean and wouldn't hit him anymore. 

It was my horrible birthday, April 20th. Mark was leaving the next day so we and my friends went out to eat. We came back from eating at about 12:00 noon and went to the mansion.

"So this is where the magic happens?" Mark asked looking at everything. 


It is nice.
Ya. 4 floors plus the basement.
WOW!" Sean showed Mark around and Austin and Drake went into the attic and told me not to go up there. Kay and Evie took me out shopping. 

I got new clothes, water proof phone and camera cases, and  and then we went back to the mansion. Evie opened the door and we walked in.

Oh my god you guys! This is awesome." I looked around. Balloons and ribbons everywhere.

Sean walked up to me and gave me a hug.
"Happy birthday. I love you.
Awe I love you too." I hugged Sean tighter and then let go and walk into the house further. We had a party with my pets, Sean, Mark, and my friends. 

Austin and Drake took me up to my attic and closed my eyes before I entered the room. I walked in and looked around. I saw the window that I loved the most in the room because it was behind my piano and I always sat in front of it. 

I waled up to it and saw that they turned it into a bay window. So now I could sit in the window and look out of it or sit in it and play my instruments or write songs or just be alone in it.

 I had so many things to do in my life and now I could relax in a bay window doing all the stuff I love because a bay window is what I have always wanted in my house or room and Sean knew that.

 Everyone even came up to the attic and saw my reaction. I almost cried as I hugged everyone and thanked them for the day.  My attic area now had Bay windows.

 When I was younger, I only wanted bay windows in my dream home. Bay windows are so amazing because you can sit in them and do stuff instead of sitting BY a window.

I also had a patio as one of the windows too. Glass windows a curtains covered the doors to get onto the patio. It was so amazing.

We all went down stairs after I sat in the window with every one because the window fit all of us at the same time. The window was really big. 

It went for a few hours. I got my own cake that was smashed into my face then another cake that we all ate. We had pizza with it. 

Mark, Sean, and I left later and then the next morning, Mark went home. I am so happy I have good friends. 

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