Trust is Hard

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I woke up the next morning and waited in bed. Sean woke up shortly after and we stayed in bed talking. I put one hand on Sean's cheek. We stared at each other not moving but silently breathing.

Later we went downstairs and I talked to Sean about my secret.

"You can tell anyone but remember back in the UK I had to leave for a little bit.
Well there is a reason. I have good and bad magic and my dad is the reason why. You don't hate me do you?
What no! I love you and I don't care if you have magic, it won't change you and me.
I do want to see something though.
Ok. Like what.
I don't know. Anything.
Ok." I put my hands up together and split the up making a circle on the air and my hands connected again at the bottom.

I made a circle shield that looked like it was on fire.

"Wow. That's awsome.
Ya. But it's also like a  urse. And you can't tell anyone!
Seriously though.
I know I won't.
OK." I love him but it is hard to trust people in this world. Very hard.

Sean hugged me and kissed me. I don't care about kissing now because I'm used to it since my first kiss.

Sena and I ate and he started on his first video of the day. I got ready for the day and was paranoid about the secret.

What if they do tell people? What will happen? My dad is dead sink don't need to worry about that.

All questions went through my head at once. It was annoying to know that anyone could backstab to and you don't know who it will be or who it is.

I finished my morning stuff and played with Lissy and Zeus for the morning. They were so cute and getting bigger too. It was sad that animals grow fast.

Lissy and Zeus were very good and didn't get into much trouble. Life is short for everyone. I hate it.

Lissy and Zeus would play with my then trotted towards me and lay down and I would mess around with them again.

I didn't know what to do today, like any other day. I decided to check up on Sean and see how he was doing. I listen to see if he was talking about anything.

Trusting people is hard in this world l. Sorry I'm saying it a lot, but it is true. I trust so many people and get my heart broken.

I listened in on what Sean was saying in his video only to hear him doing voices for a game. I backed away from the door. I guess I actually can trust him. I mean of course I can, we love each other. 

I sat on the couch in the living room and watched Netflix. After a few hours of watching Happy Tree Friends, no it is not a kid show. There is guts and blood in it. The tittle may seem childish, but watch it and find out. 

It's very gory. Anyway, about 12:30 I got us some lunch from a pizza place. I got cheese, it's my favorite, and pepperoni.  I drove home and we ate pizza. 

"I'm am going to play the piano at the mansion. 
Ok. " I left the house and went to Evie's to play the, my piano. 

I got there a few minutes later and walked into the house. Everyone was talking and got quiet when I walked in.

"Oh, heh. Journey it's you.
Ya. It is. What are you guys doing?
Oh you know, talking. 

Ok. Well I am going into the attack for a while.
Ok." My piano was in the attack along with my keyboard. I only put my extra stuff for my piano and keyboard in my own locker.

 I also put stuff for my camera in there. And just in case, I put a pencil, pen, and a big 7000 page notebook in the locker too. 

I went up the many, many stairs to the attack. I shut the attack door and open up a curtain so I had a little bit of light.

 Other wise it was pitch black in the attack. The only things in the attack was a few small closets, a bed, a TV, my piano and keyboard, a fuse ball table, a light switch, and windows.

It was a big attack and pretty clean for an attack but wood everywhere. The attack was being held up by wood and even made by wood. I sat down in front of my piano on the bench. I started playing a tune to get use to it again.

It's been while since I played my piano. I don't know why, I just haven't gotten to it.  So I got out a couple of piano books and started to play the notes on the piano that were in the books.

I played some songs that the book had and then tried to make my own song with some tunes I thought of.

I really liked the song I made and it's one of the songs that has very few lyrics and the rest is music. It was pretty good so I recorded me doing it again and put it on YouTube.

The band and I made almost 2 albums and actually didn't even have 1 made yet.

"We need to make albums got our songs. We almost have 2, now we need to make the albums.
Where should we go and what do we do to make the albums?
I actually don't know.
Maybe we could use good 'ol Internet or a friend.
Ya." We looked on Internet for places to make albums for songs. We made 2 albums and we pit the information on a video. The comments rolled in and so many people wanted one.

"I have a great idea!" Austin said driving is to the mansion.

For tours we should sell them.
Ok. Good. But where will we go for a tour and I can't leave Sean and my pets alone at the home. I'll kiss them too much.
Ok. Then let's bring them. The fans will love to see him and pet your babies.
Ok." The tour was already set the next day and we just had to pack and leave in a few days.

I got drove home and saw Sean waiting at the door.

"Hey." I have him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey. A lot to do now huh? 
Ya we are so busy in life now.
Heh." We ate and went to bed to sleep and then pack the next morning.

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