Life is Too Short

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A few years passed I am now 22. I am a famous singer and traveling around the world. I haven't even talked to my old friends yet and I haven't heard from family.

I am on a plane to Ireland. This is going to technically my first place I'm visiting on my travels. I'm so exited when I get there I'm texting Jemma and Dan. In the airplane many people freaked out and talked to me.

The plane landed and I got out. Many people talked to me in the airport and I told them I hadn't to go. I was not trying to be rude but it was getting dark fast and I didn't have anywhere to stay. I felt bad for trying to get away from the fans but it was a long trip from England to Ireland.

I got put of the airport and felt the Ireland breeze on my warm skin. I walked the sidewalks looking down listening to my music. Then I just remembered to text Jemma.

"Hey I just made it to Ireland!
Oh that's rely grear. Have fun and be safe. Love you and Dan is jelly XD.
Love you guys too so... much!XD." Dan and Jemma are like my older brother and sister now.

Too bad Noah hadn't to stay there and not see all this. I got a call from Dan and Jemma and I answered. 

"Hey Noah wants to talk to you.
Hey Journey.
Hey buddy. Remember be good for jemma and Dan.
I know and I miss you.
Ya me too and I still have to look for a place to stay. Well I got to go before I'm out in the dark but I will call tomorrow ok?
Love you buddy.
You too." I looked up and bumped into a guy with a black eat her jacket on and fell on my ass. The guy had his hood up so I couldn't see him.

"Ow!" He looked down and helped me up.
" I'm so sorry.
It's fine. I should have been watching.
Me too and are you sure your fine?
Ya I am. Thanks though." We looked into each others eyes when he lended me a hand and lifted me up.

It felt like am hour we have been looking at each other. And my hair blew in my face rudely.

"So what brings you here?" He just hadn't to break the silence.
"Travels. " I answered quickly.
"Oh. Hey you remind me of someone.
Really? Who?
Some famous.
Oh really?
Ya. OMG your Journey Johnson!
The one and only." I said flipping my hair out of my face.

"So do you have somewhere to stay?
No I just got here.
Well you can stay at my place if you want. I have an extra bed.
Really are you sure?
Oh haha." I laughed weakly.
"Ya I'm sure you can.
Oh OK thanks.
Ya." We walked to his house and he showed me to the spare room and the rest of the house.

I put my stuff away and ate the food he made. Then I took a shower. I then texted Jemma and told her I had a place to stay.

The mad took off his jacket and put it on the hanger by the door and when I turned around my mouth was wide open.

"Your Jacksepticeye!
Ya." He smiled lifted my chin to shut my mouth. We stayed up and talked about ourselves. What we liked, disliked, loved, want, and more.

I learned a lot from Sean. Sean is 23 right now. It it was about 11:00 so we went to bed. I could stop thinking about him and did how he let ME stay in his home.

I went to sleep after what felt like ages talking to myself.

I woke up refreshed and opened the text from Jemma.

"That's good you found a place to stay.  Makes the stay better when you sleep.
XD HAHA LOL JEM!" I stayed in my bed until I heard Sean wake up and go downstairs. It felt like hours.

I heard someone in the hall outside my door. I think it was Sean. I heard him yawn so I got up, turned off my phone, held it in my hand to my side and went out my door and through the halls to the bathroom.

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