First Time I have seen Sean Cry

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It was your first interview as a YouTuber and a singer in a band.

I know. And?

You did awesome. What did he say?

If all goes well to come again and do a part 2 interview.
COOL! Can you not wait?

I can't wait." I was so happy but it was close to bed time so I got ready and went to bed with everyone. 

Sean and I were in the middle but more closer to the wall, like Sean likes it. Sean and I kissed for the second time but was longer than this mornings and wasn't awkward and then I went to sleep in his arms. Lissy and Zeus were in their beds sleeping when I woke up.

I looked at Sean still sleeping. I tried to get up, but an arm pulled me back from the waist. I guess Sean didn't want me to get out of bed. 

"About the kiss.

From last night. Our first and second kiss.
What about it.

Was it ok?

What do you mean 'ok'?
It was your first kiss and i'm your first boyfriend so I was wondering if it was a bad kiss or good.
One. You are hopefully my only boyfriend and I had no problem with the kiss.
Ok. And 'hopefully your only boyfriend'? 
Ya. Before I wasn't the dating type because my friends hearts got broken so I had to hurt the guys and too much drama with love.

Ya. Divorces, heart breaks, cheaters, and stuff  like that.

Oh. Well do you think i'm like that?
Do you want me to think that?

It's your choice.
If i'm being honest... No. Your not like those guys." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek. 

Sean smiled and kissed me back still holding onto my waist. We got up after a few moments and headed down stairs with the pets. I went and had some food and sat at the kitchen table. I was depressed and thinking about everything.

"Hey. What's wrong?
What's going to happen when we get back to Ireland?
What do you mean?
We have been here for how long?
About a month.
Ok. My family found out i'm alive and that's a lot to take in because I haven't seen or talked to them for over 5 years. I just got a band and have 4 songs, and i'm just not ready to go back all the way across the earth to Ireland. 
Are families don't live near each other but with all the money we have we can manage to visit. And how is the band a bad thing?
If I leave them how is the band going to be a band anymore?
I don't know. But at your guys's rate of making songs, i'm sure you can make like a hole album or two before we leave and that might last for a few months or years. 
Ya. Your right. But how will we make more?
Your really smart. I'm sure we can manage.
If I have to go on trips as a band how will I see you too?
It's fine. Stop being worried.
Ok. Love you.
I love you too." Sean said hugging me tightly. I ate and went to get together with the band. We all went to where we hang out, the audition place. 

I tried to hold back tears talking to the group. 

"What! You can't be serious!
Then we are all moving to Ireland.
What?! Really?!
Ya!" They all yelled hugging me. I was so happy my new best friends are going to practically live with me.

"Ok. Everyone. I'm not leaving yet. I still have a month left.
We should write songs.
Ok. Don't forget we should make videos too for the songs.
Then what should we do first?
Make videos.
Ok." They all said.

We got done with the videos. Great timing too. It was almost noon. We started on a song on the stage in the building. Everyone played there part in the song.  Kay played the bass in the song instead of violin. It was really good and went with the song.

We got done with a song and another. And because we had time, we did the videos for them.

"Why do we not have trouble writing songs?

I don't know guys. We are all just too good." We all laughed and went out to eat. We had a good time and got to the desert. 

I got a text message from one of my old friends back in the United States. I didn't look at it yet and went back to talking to my friends. I loved my friends. They would stand up for each other and we have never gotten into any fights. And I hope we don't fight and the band breaks up. 

We left the restaurant and went for a car ride talking. Then Kay dropped us all off at home. I was only about 4:00 and I have done so much today. I played with Lissy and Zeus and gave Lissy some milk. It was adorable how she sucked the milk out of the bottle. 

I was on the couch with Lissy snuggled in my arms and she slept with Zeus laying on the floor on my feet. I just remembered the message my friend Melissa sent me so I turned on my phone and went to the messages. It turns out she sent me a video.

Everyone was busy, Jemma at work, and the boys making videos. I haven't even hung out with my brother this whole time and I don't know where he goes. Just then my phone kept going on and off. 

I checked my phone and had many, many messages. I checked the one from Jaden. She lives in the United States. Her message is:

'Mel is in danger! She won't text me and I have't seen her for a week!

Well how can I help? I'm all the way in the U.K. 
You said you had magic. So use it!
Bye Jaden.'

I stopped texting her and looked at the video Mel sent me. It was her and what looked like a man that was in his late 40's.

'Who is that?
I guess it's your father.
Why is he there?!
He want's you to go to him or he will kill me and your other friends. And your family.
No! He can't. And I can't do anything!
You have more power than him. Use it!
No! I just became like everyone else... Normal. I don't want to go back and I don't want to leave anyone here!

Well then have fun without your real family!
FUCK YOU! I'm on my way tonight.
Why even bother. 
Because! He killed my parents so now he is not getting away!
Ok. See ya. 

I had to think of as plan before I left. I thought of a plan and told Mel what to do. Just then Sean walked out.

"I have to leave tonight.


I'll be back I promise.

Before we leave to go back to Ireland.

Ok. What are you doing?

Saving my family.
Then what will happen?

I don't know." I didn't think about what will happen. What if I have to stay in the United States? What if I die? What if my friends die? I started tearing up and saw Sean do the same. 

"You can't leave me!
I will be back you know.

What if you don't come back?

I will. I promise. 

I don't know that and neither do you." Sean said in a whining voice with tears. 

"I have never seen you cry.
I'm not happy 24/7 you know.

I know. But this is the first time I've seen you cry." Sean smiled and hugged me. 

"Just promise you will come back." I kiss his cheek and went upstairs to get my 3 phones and I put something on that would be a good outfit to fight in, if I have to fight. 

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