Plan Two. Gone Wrong?

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We went into another alley and tried to see if my dad would find me.

"No! Not another one.

Sorry but we have to.

Fine. Just don't let him hurt me. Please. 
You know I wouldn't.

Ok." I looked in Mel's eyes feeling sorry and sad for all of this because I know now it's my fault. I could have done so much to stop this but didn't because I listened to my mom 5 years ago. 

We waited in the alley for my dad. I can't even call him 'dad' anymore. I am calling him by his real name, Chris. After about an hour or so my dad found me and Mel and came in the alley.

I saw him and stood up away from Mel and inched closer to Chris. I looked him in the eyes with disgust. 

"Ok why do you want me?
World reasons.

No. I am not helping you do anything. 
Then I guess many people are going die.
NO! You are not hurting any more people. Not even the people love. 
Come on you probably don't even like them.

No! Your wrong I love these people. If you want me then fine. I'm done. You were going to win from the start."

It's fine. As long as you guys down get hurt." Mel looked at me blank and confused and also scared.

"Can I say bye to Mel?
Make it quick." I ran over to Mel and slid on my knees to get down to her height. I hugged Mel.

"Your not leaving, are you? 
Stay to the plan." I smiled at Mel and Chris put his hand to my mouth and pulled me from Mel who tried to scream and my dad smacked her in the head. I tried to fight but his grip was strong. 

I bit his fingers and kicked him. I ran back to Mel and tried to comfort her. My dad grabbed my legs and pulled me and grabbed me by the jacket. I grabbed a gun from one of the pockets and shot him in the head. My dad didn't die and shook me like a rag doll by the jacket. 

I shot him again and he dropped me.

"Surrender? Pussy!

Your not going to hurt my family." He went to grab my arm and I burnt his arm. I have never used my powers and I don't even know how I used them just now. I tried to make him understand to stop but he got angrier. 

I kept shooting and my guns had silencers on them so know one heard. I kicked my dad and he blasted me with dark magic that stung my heart. I dropped my gun and fell on the ground. Mel picked up the gun and kept shooting at Chris. 

I got up and finished my dad. I struck one powerful dark magic blast at my dad hoping it was not enough to turn me bad. I fell to my knees on the rocks watching my father fall lifeless. I stood back up later and examined him. 

"Well that takes care of that.
Ya." Mel said scared and scared for life. I took my dads body and got rid of it. 

"While i'm here I want to see everyone.

I'm so happy we are alive and ok.

Me too. 

Lets go see people now.

Really. It's like 2 in the morning.

Oh. Then let's see Jaden.

Ok." We walked to Jaden's house and saw her in her bedroom window. I threw rocks at the window and she looked at us. We both waved and she opened the window.

"What are you doing? 

Seeing you. 
I know that. 

Can we come in?
Ya." I held Mel's hand and flew up to the window. 

"I thought you can't fly.
I can't fly." I smiled at Mel and she looked at me confused. 

We got in the window and I hugged Jaden almost crying. She looked at me and almost cried. I was so much taller. 

"You are finally living the dream?
Ya sort of.
Sort of?

I don't get to see you guys much. I miss you so much.

We thought you were dead!
Ya speaking of dead.


We killed my dad.


Ya. He is gone now.
Yay. Now you can come back!

No Jaden I can't.
What! Why?
I have a home now, a boyfriend, and a band.
Will you visit.
Few times a year. But ya. And maybe I can get you guys a place to live by my.

I don't know.
I will." Mel said excitedly. 


I don't know if I can.

Ok we will talk about it later then. I mean we are adults so why can't you?
We will see. 

Ok." We spent the night at Jaden's house. I stayed up late thinking what would have happened if I just stayed with my family and let people here die? What would happen if I didn't kill my dad? Maybe it was a mistake to kill him and come back. 

I eventually fell asleep. I woke up early all refreshed. I wanted to go back and see my babies already. I mean my job is done already. And I forgot to take off my jacket. 

I stood up and everyone was still asleep. It was morning but felt like the afternoon. It is summer time and everything is awesome. And I just remembered, I hate summer. In the sun my hair gets white and blonde, gold, and orange streaks and starts to look lighter. 

Oh well. I looked out the window at everything light up and it not being so dark. Mel woke up an hour after me and looked out the window with me.

"If you come to Ireland you have to get your own house. 
Ok." We looked out the window and sat on the floor and talked until Jaden woke up. 

"What are you doing?

What do you mean.
Staying or going with me?

I will just visit you.

Ok. So we will visit each other and stuff. 


Ok and Mel wants to come with me too. 


And I promise we will visit each other.

Ok." Me and Mel left to go back to the U.K. 

"Where are we going?

United Kingdom.


I'm visiting the people who took care of me 5 years ago for 2 months.

Ok. Is Jack there?

Yes. Stop asking me about my boyfriend!
Ok. Sorry." We walked to a place to get my car. The place I parked it and drove to the airport. It took a day and we got to the U.K. 

We got out of the airport and walked to Dan's house. I was noon when we got there. Sean greeted me at the door with a huge hug. Mel just stood there with wide eyes and mouth. 

Throughout the day Sean and Mel became best friends like brother and sister. I was so happy and at least she isn't one of those girls who take your boys from you after acting like a sister. It got late. Mel slept in another spare room and Sean and I in ours.

Mel saw the pugs and Lissy and Zeus and just loved them. Mel also got along really well with Jemma and Dan. I was so happy. 

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