Band Name

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I woke up and took a shower to get the chlorine out of my hair and put on new clothes. I put on a shirt that showed one of my shoulders. 

I put on a long skirt that flows and does not cling to me or cuts off circulation. I am a redneck, tom boy, and sometimes a girly girl, I just have my moments. I like to wear shorts and dirty, muddy things but I also like to look nice like a, well, girl. 

I know I might be crazy or weird but remember what Melanie Martinez always says, All the best people are crazy or insane. I always go back to that phrase. It's like a comment to crazy people. 

Harley Quinn and Joker are insane and people still love them. Jacksepticeye is weird and has almost 15 million subscribers. 

I didn't know what the plans were today but today I was going to let Sean go back to his normal routine of staying home and doing his job.  I got ready for the morning and didn't even bother to eat breakfast. 

I walked to my friends house. It was early in the morning but I don't care. I hate sleep remember. It wasn't very early in the morning, just about 8:00. Well I have a house key so I can just walk in if they are all sleeping.

I walked in and decided to let them sleep for a little while more. It turned 8:30 then 9:00 and they were still sleeping. So I decided to text Evie. I walked quietly upstairs where the huge hallway is. 

At the end were closets and a bathroom and by the steps were the bedrooms. You walk up the steps and the bedrooms, closets, and bathroom were in the hall to the left and the laundry room was to the right. In the front had a master bathroom. 

There was 4 bathrooms and 6 bedrooms in the house. The master bed room was at the end of the other bed rooms but before the closets and another bathroom. Another bathroom was on the first floor and the basement. 

There is 4 floors to the house plus the attack. The bedrooms were on the 3rd floors so the 2nd floor didn't have a bathroom. But it did have a place to look at the pool and yards. 

I snuck into Evie's closet and texted her.

' Hey. Don't go into your closet.

This is not who you think it is. 
Then who is it?!'
 I could tell she was getting pissed. But I had to wake her up. It was funny though.

' Hey.
Can't you leave me alone.
You should get up. But not come to the closet.

Oh my god. Fuck off. 
Mwah ha ha.'
I left her alone and turned off my phone and walked out of her closet. Wow, she can't sleep that fast. 

She was already sleeping. She must be a heavy sleeper and very tired. I should leave her alone. Nah. I got on her bed and started jumping on it. She woke up a little after and laughed and then put her pillow over her head.  

I laughed with her and jumped and landed on her bed making her go up too. We laughed and got up. I walked out of her room to let her get changed. 

She walked out of her room and I was waiting in the hallways for her so we could wake everyone up. We walked into each room everyone was in and woke them up. They got ready and met Evie and I on the couch downstairs. 

"Alright today, we are picking a name for our band and if we have time, make a new song. 

What should it be?
I don't know. What about ideas the little girl told us. 

So it was, Dream catchers or starlight. I like those names but lets have more ideas. 
What about, Dark light. 
I like that.

Ooh. Night shadow or rain pedals. 

These are all great ideas but now we have to pick one. Ok. raise your hand for Night shadow- 4 And then Rain pedals- 4." We voted and it was a tie. 

We decided to pick Rain pedals because I guess our songs make people cry and stop them crying if they have a bad day and it's 'raining' and everyone loves flowers. 

We all thought it was a good name and we made a YouTube video about what our name in and why and other stuff. Then I edited the video and then uploaded it with the WiFi. 

"Now we make a song!
Ya." We started making tunes and making lyrics and got a song. We took a a brake and ate lunch. After we made the song, it was about 2:00 so we made lyric videos and karaoke videos. We got a lot done in one day. Made videos, a new song, picked a name, and ate. XD.

I was so tired already and it was not even 6:00 yet. We all talked and my secrets were killing me. The more we talked, the more I felt closer to them. I tell my best friends everything about me and they were considered my best friends. 

It was killing me on the inside that I was keeping secrets. 

"Hey guys I need to tell you guys something. You have to promise to keep it a secret though.
We promise." They all said. 

"Do you believe in magic?
I don't know.
Well I have magic. Good and bad.
Cool. Can we see?

Yes but you have to promise not to tell anyone.

Ok." I made a fireball with my hand and then put it out.

"Wow! That's awesome!" They all looked amused. 

"We promise. Your secret is safe with us." I trusted them. They are my best friends. I know they will keep the secret because I trust them and my heart and because my powers say they are telling the truth.

We all talked some more and I showed them things I could do. I was so happy I told them. Now I have to tell Sean. I wen home about 8:00. 

I walked to my house and went in. I ate food and Sean was done with his day things, his job, the pets, and taking care of himself. We watched some T.V and went upstairs to bed. I was going to tell Sean the stuff in the morning.

I could really trust Sean. I fell asleep shortly after going upstairs. 

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