Memories and Decisions

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This is Austin

This is Austin

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This is Drake

There's a pounding inside my head, sometimes it hurts me really bad, going insane

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There's a pounding inside my head, sometimes it hurts me really bad, going insane

I'm tired of tryin to be normal, i'm always over thinking, i'm driving myself crazy, so what i'm fucking crazy

yeah i'm gonna show ya

Loco, maniac, sick bitch, psychopath , Yeah I'm gonna show ya, I'm gonna show you

mental out my brain, bad shit go insane, ya i'm gonna show you, i'm gonna show you

Uh oh, uh uh oh, whoa, uh uh oh

ya i'm gonna show you, i'm gonna show you

i'm tired of trying to be normal, i'm always over thinking, i'm driving myself crazy, so what i'm fucking crazy

Just 'cause you say i'm crazy, so what i'm fucking crazy, ya i'm gonna show you

Loco, maniac, sick bitch, psychopath, Yeah I'm gonna show ya, I'm gonna show you

mental out my brain, bad shit go insane, ya i'm gonna show you, i'm gonna show you,

i'm tired of tryin to be normal, im always overthinking, i'm driving myself crazy

just'cause you say i'm crazy, so what i'm fucking crazy

ya i'm gonna show you

Loco, maniac, sick bitch, psychopath , Yeah I'm gonna show ya, I'm gonna show you

mental out my brain, bad shit go insane, ya i'm gonna show you, i'm gonna show you

yeah i'm gonna show you

We all got done writing the song and put it on my YouTube channel and I called the radio people and sent them the recordings. You guys know now we have to make videos for these song right? We went to Evie's party she made.

We got to Evie's party and since we got done writing a song earlier than we thought, we had the party now. We all got to know each other more and became friends. We played truth, and other weird games like dirty minds. 

"Hey Journey?
How was life before you were famous?
Well pretty horrible. 
Why?" Drake kept asking. 

"Because me and my mom left my real dad because he abused me and then when I was 17, he came back to look for me and killed my parents. So me and my brother walked or ran to an airport to go to Kansas to see my aunt and uncle and live with them but we got on the wrong plane. 

Then I met Dan and Jemma and then went to Ireland and met Sean and now we are a thing an-

WAIT! You are dating Jacksepticeye?!
Ya." I said to Drake and everyone else with wide eyes. 


"Ok. Something else." Kay said.

"Oh. Did you guys know you are my only friends now?

Because I left the ones in U.S to get away from my dad and me and my friends and family there haven't talked ever since and now they think I am dead.
Ya." The party was over and we had a lot of fun. I got home to see everyone doing normal things. Showering, watching T.V, playing with dogs and a kitten, and editing videos. I checked my phone again while walking towards the living room to sit on the couch by Jemma.

"Your hair stayed up.
Ya. It did.
Do you do your hair a lot?
When I go somewhere and when I feel like it or when I work.
Huh." She went back to watching T.V. I looked at all my notifications.

It looks like people tagged me in posts, heard my songs, messaged me, and talked about me as a post and mentioned me in it. I read all of the posts and was about to read the messages until Sean came in and talked to me.

"How did practice go?
Great. My friends had an early party and we wrote a song.
Whats the song called?
I'm gonna show you Crazy. It's good and it's on the radio's now." I looked up at him and smiled.
"I'll make sure to listen to it. Ha ha.
Ha ha." I got up and walked past him to the kitchen and Sean followed me. I loved how Sean was always so happy and smiled 24/7/12. All of you motherfuckers say 24/7 I say 24/7/12. Because 24/7 means you do it only for a week.

I put in a small bowl of mac n cheese in the microwave. It's one of those bowls that has everything in it and comes in a four pack. Sean was going to have the same and we were the only ones on the kitchen. It's sad and makes me feel bad that we haven't even had our first kiss, or I haven't had MY first kiss.

Mine got done and I sat at the table in the kitchen and Sean put his mac n cheese in the microwave. I stirred my mac n cheese before I ate it and started looking at my messages.

I want my first kiss to be with Sean but I don't know when the right time would be. I checked the first message from my friend in Iowa, Jaden.

'Are you dead? Please answer me! I miss and love you. Come back to me we all miss you.'

I looked at another message from Melissa.

'Are you dead? Can I have your phone if your dead? Remember that's what I always used to ask you when I haven't seen you. Seriously though, I miss you. I can't believe your famous. I want to see you again and we should hang out and go somewhere.'

I looked at some family messages. I found one from my grandma and remembered when I always used to go to her house every other weekend. 

'Hey pumpkin. I heard your songs on the radio on Pandora. Grandpa died by the four wheeler. I miss you and sorry for your parents and you missed their funeral. I bet your mom is looking down at you and is happy for how you have grown up. Miss you.'

I even saw some from my god mom.

'Hey Caelan missed you and wants to be just like you. We miss you honey and Caelan wont stop talking about you. She and I miss you, love you honey.'  She sent a cry and a kiss emoji after. 

I was about to cry nonstop. Sean saw tears running down my face and hugged me. 

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