I Meet PewDiePie for the First Time

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Felix must have been recording because I heard him say, "They are here and I can't wait to see the girl herself." 

 I was happy to hear Felix say that because with all the subscribers and viewers he has, so many of them could see me and it could just be amazing. 

Sean and I walked in and sat on the couch in front of the camera. Sean and Felix shook hands and I shook Felix's. 

"So this is THE Journey?
Yup. The one and only." I smiled at the camera and then at Felix.

"So where is your band?

In town actually. They are just looking around and getting used to the cold ha. 
It is petty cold in Canada huh?
Freezing." I said in a way I saw on a video when someone asked someone else... You hungry? STARVING!

The person that said starving had a duh look on his face and the way he looked at his friend was a look that he was going to murder his friend. 

Felix was in Canada visiting a friend for a while so that is why he is in Canada. 

"How has the trip been in North America?
It was fun and amazing to be back and see people again. 

It is fun and I got to go to LA. As you guys know I have always wanted to. Heh." Sean said really excited and smiling. 

Good. When are you guys planning on going to England?
I actually don't know. We went before to see my "family". " I said using my fingers to quote. 

Dan and Jemma were like my family now because they took me and Noah in and they became like older brother and sister. 

"Oh. Cool. Well maybe when you guys come again you can visit me and other. 

Ya. We might go next year though because when we get back home I think we will be done traveling for a while.


That's fine. I don't blame you. This is what, your 3rd month in North American now?

I actually think it is. Ya it is exactly over 3 months. 

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
What the hell!?
The way you said exactly.
Oh. Stop. HA. I know it is weird but I am Irish and British in one body and you don't that."

People say exactly making the 'T' silent and I sound the 'T' out when i say exactly. 

"How are you British and Irish and are you more?

Yes I am also German and Norwegian and more but I never met my real dad so I never knew anymore. My real dad was British though and my grandpa is Irish. Oh my god is he a redhead and not only is his head red, his face, neck, arms, and legs too. But he is always out in the sun doing work. And the rest is just family and stuff. 

Oh. Ok." The video went on for a while and Felix was asking me and Sean questions that people asked on the video and we were live. 

It was about 3 hours and Sean and I went back to the hotel. We waited for everyone else to get back so we could eat. 

"Do you like Felix?
Ya he is funny and really nice.
Ya I like him. 
You have an amazing friend.

I know and I have an amazing you.

Awwwwweee." I was so happy he said that so I hugged him. My hands were around his neck and him arms wrapped around my waist. 

If someone took a picture of us from the side, we looked like one body. Our skinny bodies were so close together and so tiny it would look like 1 body but that one body was skinny. The body would be skinny but me and Sean were really skinny. 

I stared into Sean's lightish blue eyes and he at my dark blue eyes. We were still sort of hugging each other but also looking at each other. 

We stopped staring at each other and just kissed. I loved Sean. He was nice, didn't care how skinny I was and my bones popping out of my belly. If you saw my, you could see my ribs and my belly bones were popping out. 

Even small clothes on me were big and I had so much more room in them. 

Sean and I kissed. It was about 10 seconds long but it seemed like forever. After that we just laid on the bed because it was a big day. We fell asleep, but it was a short nap.

I woke up and I was in Sean's arms facing the other way from him. My hands were on his and his arms wrapped around me almost twice. But he had long arms and for how small I was. 

I hated being so skinny because of what other people think and because my bones popped out and it felt so weird. I woke up and cuddled with Sean until everyone got back and that was not long. 

Everyone got back and saw Sean and I but I didn't car. I woke Sean up and we thought of where to go. 

We all just decided to go to a Chinese restaurant to eat. We went to the buffet and it was amazing. My favorite is the sesame chicken. 

At the Chinese buffet was an ice cream stand, food stand salad bar, and desert bar. It took us an hour to eat and then we all walked out late at night. We just talked and laughed. Not many people were out at night and it was very cold.

I wore a sweatshirt that was fury on the inside and it practically made me sweat but I know I couldn't take it off unless I wanted hypothermia. 

Sean had is arm around my neck and I had one arm around his back. We all walked in a group and not a line in herd. 

"We should go into the alleys!
No! Creepers are in there.

It's not mine craft. And besides I can fight and plus no body would gang up on use because 1. we are famous 2. we are more people and 3. some of us know how to fight.

Ok. But if something comes out, I am out bitches!
Ha. Ok." We all walked through alleys looked at all the lights and said creepy things then got paranoid. 

We would all scream and get scared around sewers because of It. And then we would run because we heard things in bushes or something. It was really fun though and I hope we all stay friends and together forever. 

Soon we all got back to our hotel and fell asleep. Not many times did I pull out the camera though because I wanted to enjoy it myself and not have people yelling at me saying "Get the fucking camera out of my face" or "Get the fuck out of here" or even "What the FUCK?!". 

They would probably say those really fast but very pissed. 

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