Meet the Family

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I got done with the video, edited and published it. It turned about 2:00 so I put on my heel boots and my Irish sweatshirt. 

Sean got the keys and followed me out the door to the car. It took a long 20 minutes to get to his parents house. 

"Are you scared?
Oh god yes.


Because it is my first time meeting them. Are you not scared?

Your not scared about what they will say or do when they see... ... Me?

What? How?

I know my family and I know them enough that they are going to love you because you are like me and you are you, nice, protective, stand up for what you want, and just everything else. 

Awe. Your so sweet. 
You too and Naw I am not.

HAHAHA HA!" We kept laughing when we stopped I held my breath then laughed again. 

We got to the house and laughed getting out of the car. Sean and I were mostly laughing at my laugh because I would squeak when I laughed too much. 

When I got to the house step, I stopped. Sean stopped and backed up to stand right next to me. My hands were to my side and his hands were to his side. 

"You will be fine, I promise. 

Ok." I put my arm around his and tightened and Sean did the same. We walked the same time up the steps and knocked together at the door. 

We just heard a "come in!" So we walked in. I looked up at Sean and then he looked down to me. Sean was taller than me by an inch or half but I think it was cute. 

Ha and Sean says he want's to be taller.

"They are hear!" A tall and older than Sean looking girl said when she saw us enter the hall. 

The family looked and saw us holding each others arms in one anothers. I could smell something that smelt so amazing, TACOS! 

Another girl came over, looked at Sean then to me, then Sean and me again. She had a question on her face when she looked at Sean then walked into what I thought was a kitchen. 

I took off my Irish sweatshirt and put it around my left arm and let my right arm fall to my side. Sean led me to walk in more. We walked down the hall and Sean showed me the house and everywhere. 

We got to closets, then the basement. We walked down and I saw all the toys and work stuff. The door slammed shut and Sean and I jumped at first then walked further down in. 

"My brothers and sisters like to prank me.

Oh. Ya you see I am the older of 2. 


Ya, little sister and brother.

Sister. I know you have a brother, but sister?
Ya her name is Caelan and honestly I haven't seen her since I was 17. 


We could have visited when we were there. Where does she live?

A place by Estherville, where I lived, but it was Graettinger. 
Oh. Small town?

Oh. Ya, they hated me, ... but loved me. What?


Ha." We looked at all the closets and all the things then went back up the steps. 


They locked us in.
No. Way.
Yup. That's my siblings. 
Oh my god. HA. I feel bad for you. 
Eh. HA." The door unlocked and the sibling s laughed at us. 

I started to laugh with them and one of the girls looked at me and glared. 

"Leave your brother and the poor girl alone!" Sean's mom said. 

"You guys ok?
Um. Ya. I am fine being locked in basements because it is kind of funny. And I can do whatever. Sean smiled at me and the side of my lip tugged a smile back. 

"Oh, she talks.

Yup!" Sean said to his dad. I looked to Sean and smiled. And then I saw his lips tug too. We sat in the living room talking and waiting for the tacos. 

"So what brought you here to Ireland?
Well I wanted to go places and see new things because my grandpa is Irish and I wanted to come here first. 

Oh." Me and Sean's mom talked. Then me and Sean's dad talked.

"Who is your grandfather pumpkin?" I stopped because pumpkin is what my grandpa always called me and Noah. That and Kiddies. 

"Um. Pumpkin?
Oh it's what me and a friend always said. Well, he was my dads friend but became close to me as well.

Was him name Roger? Roger Johnson?" It got quiet and then Sean's dad looked at me blankly. And then slowly nodded, yes. 

"Yes. Yes his name was Roger Johnson. And then his uncle was...

My. Yes. 
My mother told me a little bit about Buck but I guess he was in the army and Roger was too.
So was I for a few years. Roger was always older and taller than many people. How do you know Johnson?
He is my grandpa and he is very tall. Heh." Everyone looked blankly at me and even Sean's siblings looked surprised. Then Sean's mom started talking. 

"You see, Roger was family to this home. He was a very close friend and very kind to us. But when he fell in love, he left. 
That must be my grandma, Brenda.

Yes. I met her and she was wonderfully sweet.

How come my family never told me this? It's like they hid it.
Oh. And we stayed in contact with them, they had 2 girls?

Yes. Casandra and Tiffaney. Tiffaney is my mother.
We met them a few times, but very rarely got together. They were beautiful and you look like Tiff. 
I get that a lot." it got quiet and I started to feel awkward because I was dating a long friend members youngest son. 

"Well." Sean's mom said breaking silence. "How did you meet Jack?
Well I just got here and It was raining and I was walking and looking at stores and a guy bumped into me. He had on a grey coat and a hood up. I fell and he helped me up, and offered a place to stay. 

Oh. Awe. Technical Sean.


"Are you ok with meeting us?
Ya of course. I am absolutely fine with it. Sean had to let me meet you guys anyway, and now here we are. 
Yes. Here we are. "

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