Visiting Dan and Jemma

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We all got pack and made our short-ish, long trip to my... brother and sisters house?

It took a few hours nothing more. But when we got their, Jemma couldn't contain herself. I got out of the vehicle to an excited woman. Jemma hugged me so tight like she hasn't seen me in a year, wait... she hasn't. 

I hugged her back and we grabbed our bags and headed inside. My friends didn't come with to Dan and Jemma's, they took a separate vehicle to their families houses to visit them and they might stay with their parents for the nights. 

I couldn't help when I walked in, yelling. "Ellie, Darsie, Peggy!"

In came running three pugs in there little uniforms I got them a few years ago.

"Awe! They look so cute!

I know!" Said walking into the room in his Adventure Time sweater. 

I saw Dan and hugged him. 

"Happy late birthday! I missed you so much. 

I missed you guys too. We spent the day with Sean's family at a park. 

That sounds like fun. How about you tell us about during dinner.
Ya. I can do that!" I smiled at Dan and grabbed most of our stuff and brought them up to our room with Sean following behind me. 

I was going to miss my babies. But I knew they were safe with Sean's family. We dropped them off at Sean's parent's house the night before we left. I put my stuff in drawers and then put my clothes int he walk in closet and makeup bag in the bathroom. 

I have a big makeup bag that also carries my nail polish and hair stuff. After I put stuff away, I grabbed Pj's and went to the bathroom. I changed into my Pj's and grabbed two colors of nail polish and went to go sit on the bay window in our room. 

The colors I was going to use was a glowing in the dark, navy blue and a lime, glowing in the dark green. Navy blue is Dan's favorite color and Sean likes almost all shades of green. When I finished with my nail, I went down stairs to fine Sean talking to Dan and Jemma and they all seemed to enjoy the talk. 

But one thing I didn't understand, is that Dan and Jemma's mouths and eyes with in awe and filled with shock and then showed a smile on Jemma. Sean's faced had amusement and surprise moon taking it over.

I was happy they all got a long and I wonder what they were talking abut. But maybe I will ask later. 

I went to the kitchen when the oven beeped and called for Jemma. Jemma came in a few seconds later and pulled the pasta out of the oven. I helped her get plates and silverware out while she cut it into pieces.

I set the table and called the boys in to eat. Everyone grabbed their plates of food and sat down and I have the pugs food and water and then got my plate. I sat down at the table and started the conversation.

"The food is good. 

Thanks. It was I a new recipe I learned in a cook book.
So, what were you guys talking about in the living room?" I asked and looked at everyone in the face. 

"Nothing really.
Oh. Ok." I stopped talking and the rest of the time was silent. I finished eating so I put my plate in the dishwasher. 

I then went up to my room and did a little vlog. 

'Hey guys it's Journey, and guess where I am at right now!' I moved the camera around the room and walked around the house silent. 

'I am at Dan and Jemma's house. So Sean and I are going to be here for a couple of weeks.' I went and found the pugs and showed them in their outfits to the camera. Then I went back up stairs and turned off the camera and edited so I could upload it for the day, or night. 

I went back downstairs and Dan and Jemma were in the living room watching, The Walking Dead. I don't know where Sean was in the house. 

"Have you guys seen resident Evil?
I think we might have." Dan said looking back at me. I walked out into the kitchen and looked out at the sun setting. 

I felt some one behind me so I turned around. Sean. 

"I need to show you something." He said dragging my hand and taking me outside. When the door shut, it opened again and Dan and Jemma came out smiling.

I had a confused look on my face when I looked at them and then to Sean. Sean took both my hands, looking me in the eye, and started talking.

"Journey, we have known each other for about 5 years. I love you and I know you love me. I don't want us to be together as a couple anymore." Sean paused. I didn't know what was happening. Was he breaking up with me?! Does he love me anymore?

"I was snapped out of thought when Sean intertwined our fingers and made our arms swing up, still intertwined."

Sean took his right arm away from mine and put it by his back pocket. What was he doing? Sean grabbed a small black box and brought it in front of us.

I looked at Jemma and Dan, astonished.

"Journey Mariea (that's my middle name) Johnson." He knelt down on one knee and I looked back to him . He opened the box after letting go of my hand.

"Will you make me the happiest man alive, and marry me?" OH MY GOD! I couldn't breathe. I love him so much. I know now he really does love me. I total blanked out and when I looked at sean, I said. "YES!"

Sean gave me the ring and I put it on with him. I looked at sean and hugged him tightly. My arms wrapped around his neck, my legs down and then to the knees, they go up where the feet are pointing up (if you know what I mean). Then he !st me down and we saw Dan and Jemma walking toward us, happily.

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