First Kiss

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Sean hugged me and I fell to his arms. I sobbed for a while but Sean got me to stop. I always feel better around Sean because he isn't an asshole like everyone else in my old life. 

I stopped crying a few minutes later and ate. Sean ate his and I took the dishes and put them in the sink and threw away the bowl. I went to the living room until 9:30 and then went up to bed with everyone else. 

"Hey. Are you ok?
Ya. Thanks for earlier.

Sure. Anything for you and i'm glad your ok.

I am because you are here with me. 
Family issues?
Ya. They just found out i'm alive today.

Wow. A lot of pressure now huh?
Ya. I hope it doesn't turn to family drama. 

Ya." I smiled and we stared at each other for a moment. I couldn't stop thinking about how much he knows me and when he supported me when I cried.

Sean leaned in for a kiss and I nugged my head down on his chest and went to sleep and instead, he kiss my head. 

I woke up with Lissy and Zeus in the middle of us and Sean facing me. Sean was up against the wall and I was close to the middle with the pets. Sean likes being by walls so he doesn't have to worry about falling off or pushing someone off. 

It was a rainy day In England. I texted the band and told them we were not going to meet up today. I loved going out in the rain and playing but today I relaxed. I sat on the couch when I woke up and sat on one side with my feet up and my knees against my chest.

Sean was practically sitting on my feet. I was in cute pj's still because I didn't want to do anything. I wore a shirt with a monkey eating a banana and pants with monkeys and banana trees. 

Sean and I were watching The Walking Dead until Sean did two short videos and got done editing and uploading and then watched Walking Dead with me again. Jemma went to work, Dan is YouTubing, and Noah is probably doing what a Noah does.

I was about to fall asleep but there was so many good parts in the episodes. I ended up falling asleep anyway. My feet sprawled out and I think I kicked Sean a couple of times. Sean must have got up and got on the couch on all fours and lie down with me.

I woke up a little bit later and Sean was next to me watching The Walking Dead. Sean looked at me and we smiled at each other. Sean leaned in to kiss me and I didn't do anything. Sean was my first boyfriend and my first kiss.

Sean kept the positing and I went along with it. We were on the couch kissing for the first time and it ended for what felt like 2 seconds. It was my first kiss. We left go and it was straight up dead silence. 

Without any word we watched the T.V again. I can't believe I just had my first kiss. It was awesome. 

The rest of the day was raining on and off and just a relax day. I heard a knock at the door and I got up and to the door. 

"Hey Kay. 

What are you doing here?

Um... The radio station wants to interview us. 

Oh. And how do you know where I live?
Because you live with Jemma and Dan and I know where they live. I think everyone does.
Oh. Ok. I will get ready. You can come in.

Ok. Thanks." I ran up stairs and went to put something good on. It was dark outside but it was around 5:00. 

I had to hurry to put something on so I wore the first thing I saw. I knew Evie would wear black too. I like night more than day because I can do anything and I don't like the sun hitting me. I hate summer sun because my red hair starts getting blonde and white strips of hair. 

I went downstairs and and told Dan where I was going, kissed Sean on the check and went out the door with Kay. We picked up Evie then the boys and got to the interview place. 

Evie was in the back in the middle of the boys and I was up front with Kay. The boys are like brothers, I think they have known each other before the band got together. We got to the interview and walked in to see a guy named Johnny Travis on his shirt. 

The camera was rolling and he sat us all down on a big couch. The boys on one end, me in the middle then Evie, then Kay. Johnny did his intro and the camera was on all of us and Johnny introduced us. 

The whole band said hi and we all laughed and then Johnny got on with his questions.

"All right. Some of these questions are from the audience or fans here tonight!
Alright." I smiled at everyone and waved and the band did the same. I looked back at Johnny and we started with questions. 

"How many songs have you guys actually made together?

Well... Together it was one but when we did the actual vocals and sound, it was for three I made before the auditions.
Nice. Ok, next question. Is there any relationships in the band?

Well Johnny, sorry but i'm taken by someone else and don't plan on anyone else. Ha ha. But um... We got friends in the band and the rest of us. This is our first time meeting. 

Ok. Ha ha." Johnny pushed a button and people laughed on his box and the audience laughed.

" Ok. What is your next song going to be?
We don't know. Yesterday we just got done with a song and the day before that was auditions and done with three songs.
Ok. One more question and we are done.
What are you guys planning on doing next?

I think we will be making music videos and work on lyric videos for our four songs.
Ok. Well I will be watching them then that's for sure. Ha. Ha.
Ha. ha." We got done and gave Johnny a hug and we all said bye and left. 

"Journey! Guys! 

Ya?" I turned around to Johnny.

"We want more interviews next week if all goes well.

Oh. Ok. Thanks for telling me. Bye.

Bye." I ran to the car so I wouldn't get left behind. 

Kay drove everyone home and it was just us three girls.

"I hope we can all be lie sisters." Kay said like she has never had friends.
"Ya me too
Ya." Evie and I said.

Kay dropped us off and drove home. I walked in my house and found everyone at the door with wide eyes and opened mouths. 

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