Chapter 95. Maha Chapter.

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Surprise! A Maha Chapter.


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Suvarna's POV.

"Charles we will need to refill groceries." I said as I fiddled around in the store room.

"I meant to get them last week however things just kept getting postposed. I will get them by tomorrow." He said as he lifted the lid to some containers and checked inside.

"I want to try out some new dishes and need some special ingredients. I will come along." No sooner had I said this seemingly normal sentence that I realised the futility of my thoughts.

"We could go today." Charles said quietly sensing my sudden change in mood.

"No point Charles. I will not be here to use those ingredients. You get things as per your requirement. I will be give you a list of the things I may be using in the next few days."

Charles did not respond immediately. We stepped back inside the kitchen and I set the coffee maker.

I need a strong cup of coffee right now.

"You know Mehrotra is not taking this well." I heard Charles say as he started slicing some fruits for fruit salad.

"I have to go back at some pount of time." I said fighting the feeling of despair in my own chest..

"Do you really?" Charles said very softly as he placed the plate and started arranging the slices.

"My family would expect me to." I replied looking straight ahead. "In India relationships are not just between two people. It is two families becoming related to each other." I chose not to tell him that I cannot really decide on my own what I want. I am dependent on my family to take some decisions on my behalf.

I don't really have to, but I should. So I will.

"Besides I have my father's hotel that I want to re-open. It was his dream to make it world renowned." I hope the tremble in my voice is not evident.

"I am sure you will do a great job." Charles said sounding confident.

Pouring myself a cup of coffee I sat down on a chair and looked around. Over the few months I had made so many changes in this kitchen.

Every direction I looked seemed to come alive with a story of it's own.

I had liked a set of plates while on a window shopping trip with Shishir and bought it.

Shishir no! If you eat something now you will spoil your appetite for dinner.

But I want to eat something in my new plate.

***Seriously Shishir! You want to eat just to use a new plate?

Yes. This is the first time you brought a plate for me. Okay fine stop laughing. I am going to have dinner in this.

It is a quarter plate!

I don't care! I will take some extra round of servings!***

I giggled at the memory before the giggle died down and I looked around coming back to present, I saw Charles had already gone out of the kitchen at some point.

The fancy set of knives, the square shaped bowls, various containers- and so many other things, all sat in the kitchen telling a tale or two. I had carefully and at times impulsively chosen them.

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