Chapter 66.

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Shishir's POV.

I laughed at Paresh and Suvi's bickering but don't really have my mind completely on it. All I can think of right now is that I still don't know why my Suvi had been crying.

I am tempted to side with Paresh so that I can have her sit next to me but I know if I do that my spitfire of a girlfriend will erupt right on my face.

I know asking her directly to sit next to me will have Danny and Paresh come up with jokes against me being totally besotted with my girlfriend. I am besotted, but do not fancy being teased about it.

I try to catch her eye so that I can try and convey with sign language to shift, but no! She does not even glance at my direction.

I bend my head down, lean it back in my attempt to catch her attention but she is either looking at the Eiffel Tower or is arguing with Paresh!

I see John, our driver approach our car and in my desperation to have her beside me I try waving my hand discretely. But no she is still not looking towards me!

My eyes fall on my phone and I message her.

"Sit next to me."


Beep Beep.

She does not even glance at the phone!

John has almost reached the car and I am really desperate to have my girl beside me and she is blissfully unaware!

I put my arm on the seat and from behind Paresh reach out to her and yank her coat and she is jerked back making her sit up. Startled she looks around and meets my eyes.

At last!

Using my eyes I try to motion her to come and sit next to me.

Of course she does not understand and frowns, her forehead creased and jerks her head up questioningly.

I sigh and just as John opens the car door I point with my eyes and eyebrows to her mobile.

Still frowning she glances at it. Right then John says "Sorry I had to keep you all waiting. I had to submit my papers at the hotel reception."

"It's perfectly fine John. We are anyways being highly entertained." Danny's amused voice makes my head snap around.

I groan silently when I meet two sets of laughter filled eyes of Paresh and Danny in the rear view mirror of the car.

Damn and double damn!

Without a doubt these two have witnessed my desperate sign gestures to get my girl next to me. Their saucy laughter just confirms whatever little doubt I had.

"You know Paresh, love needs no language." Danny says rather pointedly.

"I agree Danny. It can be silently conveyed." A delighted sounding Paresh joined in grinning ear to ear.

Great! My life is just great!

All because my girl was not bothering to look at me I thought grumpily looking outside the window as the car started moving.

My phone's message tone made me glance at it.


She is messaging me now?.

Moodily I check it.

"What did you think you were doing? They are laughing at us. Brainless boy!"

Brainless boy! Me?? She is the one who is the silly one. Not even glancing at her boyfriend.

I turn to glare at her to find her already glaring at me. She pointedly looked away and I did the same.

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