Chapter 22.

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Suvarna's POV.

"Good morning."

I smiled as Shishir  wished me good morning. "Good morning to you too." I said without opening my eyes and snuggled closer to him.

"What are you wearing?" I murmured with a frown as a furry roughness rubbed against my face.

"Um- a T shirt.' He answered, sounding surprised – and different.

What happened to his voice?

I opened my eyes bit and peered at him.

Teddy? Teddy is talking to me?

"Are you okay Suvarna?" I snapped my eyes in the direction of the voice and-



"W-what? Suvarna?"

"Rahul! What are you doing in my room?" I screamed at him.

"Room? He brought me- er- here." He said pointing in the direction from where laughter was sounding.

"Paresh! Stop laughing! Explain this." I demanded glaring at him feeling irritated and silly.

Holy cow! I had been dreaming of Shishir and myself, I suddenly realised and once again my heart started it's marathon.

"So this is your new room? And who gave you this teddy." the devil said as he crouched in front of me with a glint in his eyes.

What? I looked around me- store room? Why am I here?

"Mamiji said you had been last spotted among mankind when you had volunteered to fetch sugar- about an hour back." Paresh said as he sat down beside me making himself comfortable.

Oh crap!

**flashback- an hour earlier**

"Suvarna I am going to bathe and Pushpa has gone to the market, make the tea when everyone comes for breakfast. And check if there is enough sugar in the kitchen." Anju Mami said going out of the kitchen.

I looked at the jar of sugar and decided that I should get some sugar and went towards the storeroom.

Just then I heard my phone ring and ran towards my room. Shishir!

When the name 'Rahul.' Flashed I felt my heart deflate. Of course it was too early and Shishir would still be on flight. Not wanting to talk to Rahul I had disconnected the call.

When the phone buzzed almost immediately flashing Rahul's name again I simply switched it off. Can't he get the message I don't want talk now?

I pulled teddy up from my bed and left the room, hugging it to me. After taking out a packet of sugar I was about to step out when my eyes fell on the dice I had used yesterday for the cake.

I fingered it "Why did you have to go again Shishir?" I muttered feeling close to tears.

I pulled teddy closer and sat down leaning on to the wall.

**End of Flashback**

Crap! I must have fallen asleep while I held teddy and tried to fight my tears. I had hardly slept last night so it was  not too surprising that I had fallen asleep.

"What were you dreaming about?" Paresh asked his voice dripping with glee.

"Why are you here?" I snapped.

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