Chapter 53.

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Suvarna's POV.

I made a straight face, as straight as possible and entered the room. Shishir's eyes bore into mine and I looked away.

"What took you so long?" He demanded even before I could close the door behind me. Paresh was still with the doctor and Danny had left with Rahul some time ago.

I gave an exaggerated sigh but did not answer. Instead I grabbed an apple and started slicing it.

"Suvi?" Shishir's voice was full of the unasked question but I was not ready to give in- not yet.

"You need to eat healthy Shishir." I said as I pushed the plate of apple under his face.

"Suvi." He said warningly.

"Shishir, you cannot insist. Doctors know the best." I said turning away just in time before he could see the smile on my face.

I busied myself and lifted the empty juice glass from his bedside stand and was about to adjust some bottles when suddenly I felt myself be lifted off floor.

I gasped at the suddenness of it "Shishir! Put me down! You are supposed to rest!."

He held me from my waist and twirled me around couple of times before putting me down and pulled me to him, my back on his chest.

He brought his face near mine from the side, his breath warm on my neck. "Suvi, you know you cannot act. So why do you even try?" I could hear the laughter in his voice.

"Don't underestimate Suvarna Sharma, Mr. Hot shot lawyer." I said even as my cheeks warmed up a bit.

"Sharma ? You are still a Sharma?" He asked as my feet touched ground.

"Of course! " I said turning around and looked at him in confusion "Why won't I be?"

"Damn! I am too slow." He muttered and gave me a wink.

I continued to look at him, still confused. Then my already warm cheeks heated up when I realised what he was hinting.

"Shishir!" I said hitting his hand. "You have lost memory of only twenty days!"

"I know. Twenty days." He said. Before I could say something he grabbed my hand "So do we just hold hands or-?" He trailed off suggestively.

My cheeks were on fire by now and I tried to pull my hand away. He tightened his hold and jerked me to him.

"Twenty days that I want to desperately remember." He said making my heart ache for him.

"You will. Very soon." I said as I hugged him, my face on his chest.

"I am sure I will." He said his tone changing. "But till I do let's make some new memories." He said smiling as he pulled me apart from him sligthly.

I had to cringe my neck up to look up to his face. "Shishir I-"

"Shh Suvi. " He said placing a finger on my lips. "Why focus on something not totally in our hands? Instead let's do more interesting things." He shot me a wicked look bending his head towards me.

Just then the door opened and Paresh walked in. "Oh God! Not another X rated act." He groaned. "You two cannot behave even in a hospital." He grumbled though his smile gave away his true feeling on this.

My already enflamed cheeks spread their warmth up to my neck and I tried to pull away. Shishir just tightened his hold even more and I turned to glare at him.

Concussion or not these Mehrotra brothers know how to embarrass me!

I was greeted by a happily grinning face of Shishir. He looked too pleased for what happened.

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