Chapter 28.

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Suvarna's POV.

I leaned on the side of the couch, feeling completely drained. Pillow fights, or cushion fights are always fun but so tiring. Especially when one is pitted against these two full of energy Mehrotra brothers.

"Tired?" Shishir asked as he plopped himself down beside me.

I noded my response, feeling too out of breath to open my mouth to respond. I glanceed at Paresh who by now busy munching on the food we had got for him.

"Let's watch a movie." Shishir says.

"Okay." I say stifling a yawn. I look at the time- it is just half past nine!

"Time zone difference." Shishir smiled, easily guessing on what I was thinking. He got up and pulled at at my hand. "No movie for you tonight. Time to go to bed."

"Not so early!" I protested.

"Suvi! It's your first night in London. It will not be so easy to sleep." Shishir  said pulling me up.

"What about him?" I said pointing at Paresh who was already surfing channels.

"Pooh! I am a macho man. Time zones effect only weaklings." The man in question said pointing a very evil looking smirk at me.

I immediately dug in my heels and stopped Shishir. "I am not a weakling." I glared.

He laughed "He is not macho either. Come now. He is just baiting you." He said and dragged me even as I protested.

"I am!" came the devil's protest from behind but Shishir just laughed and said "I will tuck in sleeping beauty and be back."

"You don't need to tuck me in. I will manage." I said feeling pissed.

"What kind of a boyfriend does not tuck his beautiful girlfriend to sleep?" He smiled melting away my protest.

I really did not know how to react. It's been years since I have been tucked in to sleep or to be even insisted upon to go to bed. I am more used to taking care of others than be taken care of.

Once in my room, the room I am going to stay while here, I take out my pyjamas, very conscious of Shishir being in the room. I go into the bathroom to change and brush and come out within a few minutes.

I see Shishir has already spread open a warm looking blanket on the bed for me to snuggle under. He shot me a smile signalling with his eyes to get into bed.

I did so without protesting and leaned on to the headrest, waiting for him to go out before lying down.

He gently pushed at my shoulder "Lie down Suvi." He eased me into sleeping position.

As soon as my head hit the pillow he reached and switched off the table lamp next to my bed, the only light that had been illuminating the room. He gently stroked my forehead "Sleep."

My heart filled up with emotions at his sweet and caring gestures. I kept looking at him in the dim light straying in from the slightly ajar door leading out of my room.

Slowly I felt my eyelids get heavy and begin to shut. "Good night Suvi." Shishir said laying a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Goodnight." I mumbled back already beginning to fall asleep. I barely heard the door shut behind him as he went out.


I stretched in my bed as I opened my eyes. I sat up with a start as unfamiliar surroundings greeted my eye

It took me a few moments to remember where I was. London!

I closed my eyes as the happenings of last evening tumbled through my sleep induced mind. It was all like a beautiful dream.

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