Chapter 13.

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Suvarna's POV

'You are - NOT welcome.' I smiled as I pressed send.

Almost immediately my phone beeped again.

'How sad. I would have especially loved to have that special slaughtered tomato salad again.'

'That is all you will have next time.'

'So there will be a next time? Great.'

Oh crap! He got me there.

I put away my phone. I will only embarrass myself in any case.


I Ignore it.

I determinedly ignore, but my traitor of subconscious mind looms in again.

Sumo, you have been missing him every second in the past years.

I ignore it too.



Anyway Sumo it was not his fault that you made a fool of yourself



Suvi, he will be going back to London tomorrow.

I stopand go still with my hands curled on the pyjama set I was about to change into.


I rushed towards my phone not able to ignore any longer.

'Though the strawberry biscuit was soggy,cold and slimy, the flavour was good.'

Biscuit?? Soggy? Slimy??Cold? What is he talking about?

'And the dish you served it in was rather big.'

Big dish? Biscuit in a dish? Is he all right? I frowned and looked into the next message.

'The PINK colour of the biscuit was cute though.'

The ice cream.

Okay so I might have reduced the quantity slightly, but it was more than the size of a biscuit!


'For being mean, NO next time for you. It's final.' -send.


'But a YES this time.'

What does he mean by that now?

Before I can type the question-


'Don't put on your pink pyjama's just yet.'

I glanced at my hand, clutching on the pyjama suit. How does is know the colour?

I groaned as I remembered they had been lying on one side of my bed.

Trust him to notice that! Not my fault. How was I to know my room would be invaded by a crazy chap?

I jumprd as I heard the knocking on my window.

Not again!

'Go Shishir! Don't be mad.' -send.

I heard the knock again.

Oh God!

'Shishir, I will not open.'- send.

I concentrate and try to listen - nothing.

'Did you go away?'- send.

No response.

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