Chapter 15.

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#48 in Fan Fiction! ( 7.11.2016)
Thank you. Thank you to each of my amazing readers for taking this book to within 1st 50 in such a short span of time. ☺

Read on.
Shishir's POV

Suvi is quite as we move towards my car. I have been trying to talk to her but am only able to draw monosyllables out of her.

I can tell her mind is pre occupied. Tomorrow, infact today, since it is past midnight, is a sad day for her, she must be thinking about it.

"Are you in a hurry to return back home Shishir?" Her soft voice reached my ears as I opened the car door.

"No, of course not." I responded immediately, surprised at her query.

What is going on in her mind?

"I will drive." She held out her hand for the keys.

I quietly dropped them in her palm and stepped aside for her to get in behind the steering wheel.

I walked around to the other side and sat down quietly beside her.

She started the car, not taking her eyes off the road. Sensing a definite change in her mood, I kept quite.

She had been laughing happily not more than fifteen minutes back and now she was this brooding pal of silence, surrounding us like a heavy blanket.

As the car gained speed, I stole a glance at her. Was it something I had done or said that had upset her?

Not likely, since she is not the type a person to take anything silently.

I sighed and shifted my eyes back on the almost empty road. I frowned as I realised we were not really going towards her home.

What was this girl upto?

My confusion soon turned into surprise when I realised we were nearing the Airport!

"Suvi?" I ventured to pry apprehensively.

"Just few minutes Shishir. Please? This will not take too long, I promise."

I was shocked, not at her words, but her voice. It was chocked, as if she was fighting back tears.

Then it hit me, clearly, without an ounce of doubt in my mind I knew what this girl was doing.

Twelve years back, right around this time she had seen her parents for the last time. I had stood helplessly beside her all those years back as she had shed tears while bidding them goodbye.

Only, we had never thought that it was a final adieu. The little Suvi had been sad at the prospect of being separated from her parents for a few days.

This grown up Suvi was shedding tears, rather holding back tears that were emphasising on the fact that they were gone, gone forever leaving a void in her life that no one could ever fill.

My heart broke for her. I did not like to see her in pain, but at this moment I felt helpless to do anything to take her pain away.

Suvi parked the car outside the airport and got down from the car. I followed her silently and watched her as she walked towards a certain point. The entrance from where her parents had entered the Airport. Their flight had been for just past 3 in the morning.

It was uncanny that this was the exact time she had last seen them twelve years back, at this exact point.

She stood there gazing at the gate, tears pouring freely down her cheeks. I stood slightly behind. Though my heart bled for her, this was her moment, her memory.

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