He quieted down after that. He started to blink slower and there were bigger gaps between each of his blink. Soon enough he began to yawn and he fell back on his back then curled up as he tucked my teddy under his chin and cuddled it to his chest at the same time. Harry looked adorable and I wanted to help him get more comfortable so that he could sleep but my mind was too busy replaying the words he told me.

'I think I love my girlfriend.'

He thinks he loves me? Fuck. Why did he have to say that when he was intoxicated? And as well he didn't even realise that he was talking to me, his girlfriend.


I shook my head after I decided to push the whole situation to the back of my mind.

"Come on, get up and get in bed," I told him as I caught his hand and pulled him up. He obeyed and showed no interest in arguing with me over it which I was glad to acknowledge. I got his shoes off and then he pushed his shorts off his leg too so he was left in his boxer briefs. "Do you want a glass of water or anything?"

"No," he mumbled with his eyes closed and my teddy in his tight hold. "I want my girlfriend. I miss her lots."

"Uh, I'm her."

"Hi her," he grinned, his eyes still closed and I couldn't help but chuckle. "You have an interesting name."

"Thanks Harry."

"Oh, you know my name?" he asked as he peeked at me cheekily and turned on his side. "Am I famous or did I dream all that?"

"Yes I do know your name and yes you are famous. Now let me get you a glass of water anyway because it'll help with your headache."

"I have a headache? How do you know?" he asked me confused and I just rolled my eyes. He acted so silly when he was drunk. Once I filled up one of the glasses in the bathroom I took it back to Harry who was still lying in bed. "How do lights light up?" he asked me yet another silly question.

"I have no idea now sit up please."

"No," he said. "I don't wanna."

"Harry, please."

"Her, please," that made me laugh and Harry grinned. "I made you laugh. Your laugh sounds like my girlfriend's. And you're really pretty. Would you like to be my second girlfriend?"

"I'll have a think about it but you definitely should not ask people questions like that."

"Why not? You're really pretty and I want you to be my girlfriend. My girlfriend has tattoos though, do you have tattoos?"

"Yes I do, now sit up or I'll pour this glass of water on you."

"Can I see them please?"

"Will you drink this water if I show you them?"

"Yes," he nodded.

"Alright, get up then," I said and he did. I put the glass full of water in his hand and he quickly downed it. "Now lay back and sleep."

"Hey! I wanna see your tattoos!" he said defensively. "You can only be my second girlfriend if you have nice tattoos."

"I can assure you that I have nice tattoos."

"Let me see!" he argued and I groaned in frustration. I was tired and wanted to sleep. Why did he have to be so difficult when he was in this state?

"Harry, I'm your girlfriend and you are pissing me off at four in the bloody morning. Stop behaving like a little child and go to sleep," I said a little more aggressively than I intended to. But he really did start to get on my nerves.

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