Mrs Rosie and the Priest by Giovanni Boccaccio

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READ: 03.08.17

BOOK: Mrs Rosie and the Priest

AUTHOR: Giovanni Boccaccio

GENRE: Short Story

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Bawdy tales of pimps, cuckolds, lovers and clever women from the 14th century Florentine masterpiece 'The Decameron'. [Penguin Little Black Classics No.1]

REVIEW: Yesterday my set of the Penguin Little Black Classics came, and I was very excited to start on the first one. The Penguin Little Black Classics are 80 short stories or extracts from books by celebrated authors to commemorate Penguin's 80th anniversary, and I knew I had to get them all. I'm not completely crazy, I had an Amazon voucher so it's all okay.

'Mrs Rosie and the Priest' was surprisingly a highly entertaining and funny read about some rather raunchy subjects for a classic, and I enjoyed all four of the stories included. Boccaccio's writing makes everything on the page come alive, and I felt like I was watching the humorous events occur right in front of my eyes. I'm not usually a huge fan of short stories, but these have definitely changed my opinion on them.

I thoroughly enjoyed them all, and it has made me want to get the full book 'The Decameron' just because I love the style and ideas all these stories had.

My plan for reading all 80 books is to read one every week (maybe two who knows), so expect to see many more of these popping up every now and then.

FINAL VERDICT: A light-hearted, very funny collection of slightly raunchy stories which had hilarious phrases throughout.

RATING: 9/10

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