Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

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READ: 04.04.17 - 05.04.17

BOOK: Romeo and Juliet

AUTHOR: William Shakespeare

GENRE: Tragedy

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: A young man and girl meet by chance and fall instantly in love. But their families are bitter enemies, and in order to be together the two lovers must be prepared to risk everything.

REVIEW: I had to re-read this magnificent play for school as I have to sit an exam on this text in May, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it all the way through again. I've read the play around three or four times now, and every time I see something new that I hadn't noticed before.

It is such a beautiful play, and honestly one of my favourite storylines of all time. While the premise sounds so unrealistic, especially as the play takes place over three days, it just works with the characters and you can almost feel their love through the pages. It's so intense, and full of rich emotions. I can't describe how much I love this play, after reading it for the first time about a year ago it changed my whole perspective on literature and what you can do with it. This all probably sounds really cliché- of course Shakespeare is going to amazing- but this play has made such a huge imprint on my life.

Usually, the texts your school assigns you to read are really boring so reading this was a massive surprise. My whole class loves this play, and the fact that I can quote it, and know all the symbolism and reasons behind some of the phrases makes me feel very intelligent!

FINAL VERDICT: For never was a story of more woe   
Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.

RATING: 9/10

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