Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas

271 22 3

READ: 24.05.17 - 28.04.17

BOOK: Crown of Midnight

AUTHOR: Sarah J. Maas

GENRE: YA Fantasy

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Celaena Sardothien, royal assassin, is the king of Ardarlan's deadliest weapon. She must win her freedom through his enemies' blood - but she cannot bear to kill for the crown. But every death she fakes, every lie she tells, puts those she loves at risk. Celaena must decide what she will fight for: her Liberty, her heart or the fate of a kingdom...

REVIEW: WOW. This was so freaking good. There were so many plot twists that I was in a constant state of shock while reading this as more and more secrets were revealed. And that cliffhanger at the end. I am going to start reading the third one straight away because I bought the next two in the series immediately.

I can't get enough of this world, and I get so sucked into these characters lives. I love the small details that make the characters so real, and the writing is superb. This was just as action-packed as the first book, if not more, and I can't wait to see what happens next.

I've never been a huge fan of series, but I know I will be reading this one right to the end.

FINAL VERDICT: I am going to demolish the third book.

RATING: 9/10

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