Cell by Stephen King

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READ: 02.07.17 - 05.07.17

BOOK: Cell

AUTHOR: Stephen King

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: The event which propels civilisation into its second dark age is known as The Pulse. The virus is carried by every cellular phone operating in the world. Within hours, those receiving calls will be infected. Clayton Riddell knows he has to reach his son before the young boy turns on his phone. And time is running out.

REVIEW: I wasn't a huge fan of the book at the start because it seemed quite cliché almost, but I really got into the story halfway through because the characters are very likeable. The premise was a really cool idea, I enjoyed the more 'science-orientated' theories that were being flung around by the main characters. It was very enjoyable and entertaining to read, and I found it was a really easy read.

My only real problem with the story is the ending, just because to me it was very infuriating. It has a cliffhanger ending which didn't really make much sense as a cliffhanger ending, and I so badly want to know what happens next!

FINAL VERDICT: I did enjoy this book a lot, and I will definitely be reading a lot more of Stephen King's work soon.

RATING: 7/10

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