Throne Of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

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READ: 15.05.17 - 17.05.17

BOOK: Throne Of Glass

AUTHOR: Sarah J. Maas

GENRE: YA Fantasy

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Meet Celaena Sardothien. Beautiful. Deadly. Destined for greatness. In the dark, filthy salt mines of Endovier, an eighteen-year-old girl is serving a life sentence. She is a trained assassin, the best of her kind, but she made a fatal mistake. She got caught. Captain Westfall offers her a deal: her freedom in return for one huge sacrifice. Celaena must represent the prince in a to-the-death tournament.

REVIEW: I'd firstly like to thank mxddie17 and anyone else who recommended 'Throne Of Glass' to me- your suggestions were very helpful. Now I've always been a little too (irrationally) scathing towards YA literature; I suppose I've always seen it as a bit too cliché, and that all the plots are the same. My experiences with high fantasy novels haven't been too great either.

So imagine my surprise when I open up this book and after about fifty pages become completely and utterly invested in the story. I loved this book. More than I can really say. There were so many elements that made me smile, gasp, look away in fear, and 'aww' audibly.

I relate so much to Celaena, not that I'm a famous assassin, but her wit and humour is very similar to my own. I loved her dialogue, and her strength. She was unapologetically herself, and I really admired her for that.

It was full of suspense, drama, love triangles, fighting, fancy dresses and all sorts. There wasn't a part I didn't like, it was so interesting to me. I need to go and order the next book, I am definitely not finished with this series yet. I need some more time to work out who to ship Celaena with.

FINAL VERDICT: I understand the hype now, this book is great. Really great.

RATING: 9/10

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