Thirteen Chairs by David Shelton

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READ: 01.08.17 - 02.08.17

BOOK: Thirteen Chairs

AUTHOR: David Shelton

GENRE: Horror/ Thriller

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Jack stands in the dark on the landing of a sinister old house. He peers through the crack in the door... A high-ceilinged room lit only by candles. Thirteen chairs, one empty. Twelve mysterious storytellers, waiting to begin. Will he dare listen to their stories? Will he dare tell his own? Jack is a curious boy. Are you curious too?

REVIEW: I had quite high hopes coming into this book just because it sounded like something I would really enjoy. It was okay, I wouldn't say it was terrible but it was very mediocre. The stories told by the storytellers weren't very scary, and you could tell how each one would end right from the start. I guessed the ending of the whole book right from the start, and told myself that couldn't be the ending because it was too obvious- I was wrong, apparently everything in this book had to be the plain, bleeding obvious.

I think the stories could have been made way scarier and darker to match the mood of the book, and they generally felt like retellings of the ghost stories you tell your friends. It was okay, and I did enjoy some of the stories so I won't bash this book too much.

The idea was very creative, and there was something undeniably creepy about the book which I think was caused by the fact that the situation they are all in is very creepy and it is disconcerting not to have any background information about why all those people are in that room right away.

FINAL VERDICT: I don't think I'll be reading this or lending it to anyone anytime soon. It was just one of those 'meh, it was okay' books.

RATING: 6/10

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