So we're just going to look through one of Jesse's personal books and everyone's OK with that?" Stacy questioned.

"Yeah, I guess so?" Stampy responded with uncertainty.

"If it helps them then maybe it won't be as bad...?" Dan insisted.

"I guess so..." I muttered.

After everyone agreed, I opened the book to see some of Jesse's loopy, and slightly messy, cursive handwriting in entries with small doodles in the margins.

"Olivia, I'm going to need your help to read some of this." I said and she came over and read from over my shoulder as I flipped though the pages.

"Most of these are to-do lists, end-of-the-day summaries and a few- Stop!" She sharply yelled as I got to a certain page where there was some writing and two pages worth of a drawing of some kind of building layout on the other side.

"What does it say?" Sadie asked.

"It says something about being in some kind of laboratory in the Nether and running through a bunch of rooms that all looked creepy because they had all sorts of strange objects and experiment creatures in them with descriptions of what she 'saw' in there, including some mob hybrids?" She responded while pointing to a small drawing of a wither skeleton, but it had a flaming skull for a head and eight legs, like a spider.

"Maybe that map she drew is what we need to guide us in there." Ivor suggested.

"How are we going to get into the fortress without Herobrine knowing about um...?" Rose hinted at the Blade.

"What if we sneak in through that wing of the fortress right here?" Gill asked as he, Maya, and Aiden pointed to a part of the fortress that was labeled as "The Storage?".

"Why don't we just blast our way in? I mean we do have a lot of people here, so we can just fight out way in." Axel responded.

"That sounds really reckless and a lot could go wrong." Harper said.

"Yeah but while some of us create a distraction at the front, then more of you could sneak through the back."

"That's..actually not a terrible idea." Isa said.

"Thanks, now could you say that again and not sound so shocked?" He said and she and Reginald shot him a disproving look.

"I could help if we go with that plan." Medi said as she and Eryn sided with Axel.

"What should we do then?" I asked the others.


A) Everyone sneak in though the storage wing of Herobrine's fortress


B) Have Axel and Medi create a distraction attack while the others sneak in and save Lukas, J, and Jesse?

1486 Words

AN- I'm really sorry I haven't been updating the story for two weeks,not including the tag chapter. I've been having a major writer's block and with all the babysitting I have to do at home, it doesn't really help in coming up with new ideas. Also, those of you who watch my Deviant Art account probably already know this, last week I had to go to the hospital because I had something called Costochondritis, look it up if you don't know what it is or not if you don't want to. But I'm back now and I have a sort of idea for the next chapter, starting with the voting choice above. Thank You all so much for getting my story up to 2.5K reads and I hope you all continue to read this story even if it does get a little lame sometimes 😅!

Another thing I'm including in this chapter is both of the tags that I got from EllegaardMCSM and SODUDESO and I would've needed to tag 35 other people with both of them but I'm just going to tag all of you who are reading this chapter, even though I'm pretty sure that's against the rules of tags 😁.

EllegaardMCSM 's Tag

1. My favorite song right now is Smallest Light from The Space Between Us

2. I don't really like sports but if I were to choose a favorite, it would be soccer

3. I don't have a favorite band

4. My favorite show is Gravity Falls

5. My favorite movie is Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Tim Burton

6. My favorite color is Blue

7. My favorite food is, almost, any Mexican food

8. My favorite drink is just water

9. My Favorite game is Minecraft Story Mode/Season 2

10. I tag all of you reading this


1. My most used emojis are the smiley faces, even though I don't smile that much IRL 😅

2. I live in the US

3. My favorite season is Autumn because of all the trees changing colors and my family gets to harvest a lot of fruit and vegetables

4. I like Percy Jackson more than Harry Potter since I never read the books or watched any of the movies

5. I like both cats and dogs and, almost, all animals in general

6. I'm most afraid of snakes, spiders, sharks, and scorpions

7. My middle name is Alicia

8. I am female

9. My favorite dessert is brownies

10. A random fact about me is that whenever I'm upset or annoyed, my nose twitches uncontrollably like a bunny

Thanks and Bye!

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