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Written on: July 13, 2017


Chapter 16.

Laura's point of view

It was the first day of school and Bailey is officially 4 years old now, her first day of headstart but after all I did promise the students that she'll have a full day with us.

I got Bailey dressed in a black shirt and some blue jeans with her favorite pink boots and she wanted to wear a hat so I let her, she had chosen to wear her red cowgirl hat.

I then started to apply some light makeup on me as I straightened Bailey and I's hair Bailey calls herself rock star Molly with her hair straighten but if her hair is curly she's originally Bailey.

I then arrived at the school as I grabbed her hand to only be greeted by all the high school students giving Bailey a huge I miss you hug.

Bailey hugged them back, she still has her tantrums here and then but not as much as used to.

I was now teaching the students while Bailey was running around the classroom being chased by Sophomore Ally.

I then shouted at my student to take a seat and to leave my child alone so she can behave well or else I was gonna drop her off at the day care (headstart).

I then went to the big white board and grabbed my favorite red marker and started writing on the board.

Bailey looked bored so I gave her the iPad so she can entertain herself by playing her favorite hello kitty games.

It was finally the last class for the day, Bailey had ate her Lunch already and now she's getting to know the Seniors.

I like the seniors class more because they are more focused on their classwork, well of course because ya know? They ARE trying to graduate this year.

I then got home to see foot prints on the floor so I followed the trail of foot prints to only see...Hailey!? all dirty with mud!? on the white now dirty carpet!?!?

“Hi mommy,” Hailey says nervously

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