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Written on: July 27, 2017


Chapter 50.

The family was all in the living room watching TV as a family when all of a sudden, Bailey went upstairs.

It was just about November 29th, the day when the family said they were gonna take a break from the fame for a little while.

baileylynch Happy birthday mommy!! Here's a selfie of me😂💜👏 @lauralynch Oh and btw I'm super sorry about the break were gonna take.. See you all in a phew years from now😜👌💞

With that being said, Bailey went back downstairs and sat back down between Laura and Ross.

“How old will I be when they see us again or hear from us?” Bailey asked

“I don't know...12 years old?” Ross questioned unsure of himself once again

“And Hailey?” She asked

“Like about 19 years old” Laura responds to her 9 year old daughter

Bailey just nodded her head, resting it on Ross' shoulder she decided to think how her life will be for those few years without fame.

Throughout the day the rest of the Lynch family continued to enjoy their time while grieving over the loss of their cousin Jason.

They talked, they laughed and more importantly they smiled okay maybe the loss of their cousin wasn't the worst but it sure wasn't the best either, it was a normal average day to them.

“Am I gonna die soon?” Bailey asked

Ross gained tears in his eyes, trying not to cry since she asked that, of course she would ask she's just curious to what happened with Jakob and Jason.

They're in heaven together now and atleast they just have each other.

“I don't know pumpkin, only god knows the perfect answer” He told her

Bailey sooned looked down a tad bit scared for the day she dies, just something a kid would be curious for.

All in all they basically had a family reunion.

R.I.P Jason Marano (he will be missed)

Hey!! And no Jason isn't a real person he's just a made up Character.

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•The Lovely Bri•

359 words

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