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Written on: July 24, 2017


Chapter 47.

Laura's POV

We had just gotten out of the girls doctors appointment, it was just to check their hearts I was gonna post it to instagram but ya know, the fans still didn't know what Jakob really past away from so I'm just gonna keep the caption simple.

lauralynch At Applebee's after the girls appointments of their heart checkup and the doctor said their hearts are perfectly fine because we really don't know what happened to Jakob💙💜 @jakoblynch @haileylynch @baileylynch @rosslynch

I literally teared up while typing that, It's hard to lose a child especially if the parents are supposed to die first.

“Don't cry mommy,” Bailey tells me as she got up from her seat to rub my back

“I know but it's hard our family is suffering because of the problem that runs through our family..I mean you girls just lost your big brother and I lost a son do you think it's easy for me?” I explained

“I know mommy but we gotta stay strong and brave for Jakob..we just gotta move on and celebrate life that's what Jakob would want.. he wants us to be happy,” She told me with a genuine smile

Man...this girl is really strong and brave exactly what I love about Bailey, she knows how to go through a situation like this, but I do know for a fact that when she becomes a teenager, the death of Jakob will hit her hard, she's saying all of this now because she's too young to understand after all she is only 9 years old.

Now that I think about it, Bailey actually looks like Hailey when she was younger, very beautiful.

She's definitely gonna be a beautiful teenager, also I noticed how Hailey and Bailey have been getting closer than I thought.

I think they finally realized how much they need each other after the death of Jakob.

I then noticed a glimpse of tears forming in Bailey's eyes, is it getting to her now.

“I just realized how much I need you Hailey,” She choked out

“Me too Bailey,” Hailey tells her

They then hugged each other with all their might they have.

This just made me smile.

Now we don't have this in our house everyday.

“We need to know that we need each other so much than anything and we also need to show each other how much we love each other everyday because in the end we'll never know when our life goes away too..soon we'll be able to be with Jakob again,” Bailey tells us

Wise words Bailey, wise words for a 9 year old, she's smarter than we think.

“Wow..your smart,” Hailey tells her

We all then gathered in a group hug.

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