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Written on: July 15, 2017


Chapter 24.

Laura's point of view

I was about to head out to drop off Hailey and Bailey till when I came across a picture from A year ago.

It broke my heart that day when their older brother had past away from natural cause, the girls were upset that day.

They didn't eat, talk or smile for almost a month, not that they forgot about it anyways but the fact that Bailey still recently comes to my room saying “I miss Jake mommy,” really breaks my heart, this little girl is so confused, that she still thinks he's coming back.

You see, Jake and Bailey were the closest, till this day my heart still aches for Jakes passing but it hurts the girls even more, Hailey just hates the thought of mentioning Jake's name.

It will tear her is she hears his name again, she just wants life to turn back to normal and wishes she could rewind time before the day Jake passed.

Bailey cries in the night for him and the day after he passed away the girls were very sad and all they wanted to do was sleep all day and never wake up they were depressed.

But I had insisted that we all go out with Hailey's friends family Paige, we all went to spend time together and coped with the loss of Jake, I don't wanna mention Jake to the fans because then they are gonna mention his name a lot to the point where the girls will see his name very often.

So Jake is only kept to ourselves and to the others that know about his passing, we are doing our best to celebrate life for the girls.

Nobody deserves to go through their own child's death or their siblings death.

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