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Written on: July 12, 2017


Chapter 9.

few years later.

Laura's point of view

I was sitting in my room as Ross was at work, Ethan was at school and I had just gotten home with Lauren from her doctor's appointment.

Ross and I are married now, Ethan is 14 years old and Lauren is 6 years old now time has flown by and I'm pregnant again.

I'm planning on telling Ross, Ethan and Lauren the news at family dinner, Ethan has always wanted a baby brother or baby sister.

Lauren? not so fond of getting one, she thinks we'll pay more attention to the baby than her.

Perfect timing! Ross and Ethan had just gotten home as Lauren shouted “daddy!! Ethan!!” and she hugged them both.

Ethan doesn't get along well with Lauren since they aren't born from the same parents.

Lauren still doesn't understand why, which is another reason to why she doesn't want another brother or a sister.

Ethan is very rude around her and all he does is yells at her which makes me really mad at him.

He was really sweet with her when he was younger but when he found out that Lauren wasn't really his sister from the same parents he got upset.

Lauren doesn't know the truth yet until she gets more older.

We were not at dinner and Ethan was on his phone as Lauren was on her IPad they were ignoring each other.

I then finally nervously decided to speak up to ease up the tension as I cleared my throat first which made them look at me.

“I have an announcement to make,” I tell them

Lauren's eyes lit up, she loves announcements but I'm not sure she'll love this one, Ethan then put his IPhone in his pockets as Ross jolts up.

“go on,” Ethan said

“But I'm not sure if Lauren will like this one,” I slowly looked at Lauren who was now looking down

“just tell me I'm so anxious to know,” Ross said

“I'm pregnant,” I tell them

Their eyes lit up in excitement and gave me a hug but Ross pretty much spinned me around.

“finally having our first child together!” Ross exclaimed

“and a sibling from blood!” Ethan glared at Lauren which made her sink in her seat

“be nice,” I told Ethan

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