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Written on: July 12, 2017



Chapter 10.

Laura's point of view

I had now have my baby girl home with me Hailey Noelle Lynch.

Now let me tell you this Ethan is 15, Lauren is 7 and Hailey is 3 months.

The thing is that Ethan looks like Courtney, Lauren looks like Andrew and Hailey just happens to look like me but just has the same hair color as Ross and the same eye color as him.

The time keeps going by really fast Ethan just entered High school for Freshman year and Lauren is in the 1st grade.

The kids are growing up fast...well Ethan isn't really a kid anymore he's a Teenager now.

I look forward to later on in the future, Ross only wants 4 kids so only 1 more to go and were complete.

He's been working alot lately by going to his siblings just to practice making more music but I don't mind at all, I just love staying home with the kids.

All in all my life is perfect, although Vanessa and Riker are supposed to be coming down to visit pretty soon.

They also have a daughter whose name is Julianna but they like to call her Annie Lynch instead for short.

Also known to be Ethan, Lauren and Hailey's cousin whose the same age as Lauren.

These kids are special because Ethan like to Draw, Lauren loves playing the piano and Annie likes to read and write.

They have a future ahead waiting for them all.

And I do hope they are well focused on studies and will work for it..

My life is perfect.

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