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Written on: July 19, 2017


Chapter 31.

Bailey's POV

Me and mommy are at a house since we were called for a photo shoot to represent the Marano's Life Tour.

We bearly finished tho so my mom went on my instagram from my phone as I watched what she was doing.

She then clicked the posting a photo icon on the app and clicked on a picture to post about our day and what we did which was a picture she took of me earlier when I was sitting on a really comfortable white chair and smiling at the camera.

baileymarano Had fun today taking a photo shoot for Marano's Life tour, can't wait to meet y'all😜😜😜💖💖💖👏

My mom made it seem like I typed it by putting the many emoji's that I'd usually put.

Although I really didn't mind her doing that since she basically monitor's my account 24/7 from all the hate from all of those haters, how do I know? well I may only be 8 years old but I sure ain't stupid.

My phone buzzes from a comment from my dad.

rossr5 Awh, you need to show me once we all arrive back home, missing you and your mom, it feels empty without both of my girls here💛💛💛

I then smiled, my dad is really sweet this is what I adore about him, he's always finding a way to put a smile on your face.

My phone then buzzed again hut only this time it was from my closest friend back in LA.

mia1800 Awh!!! I miss you so much Bailey! school feels empty without you being here💔😔

Wow, Mia really misses me, but I can't blame her, we've stayed friends since headstart at the high school when basically all the high schoolers would be gushing over how adorable I was.

I was really loved, my mom even told me that I was attached to them that to the point when I didn't wanna go to my class.

From time to time we would visit some of the high school graduates so they can see me and sometimes when she visits others she leaves me home and only brings Hailey because I never met some of them.

My phone buzzed again but as I checked it this time I didn't recognize the person but I still read the comment.

michaelmontgomery Awh, look how big your getting Bailey, into a beautiful little girl, I can only imagine how big Hailey is, probably in middle school now am I right? You should visit me one day we really all need to reunite again, tell your mom I send loves for the family and that I said hi😁💙💙💙💙

I told my mom that I didn't recognize this certain boy and she told me that he was one of the high school graduates that first met Hailey then met Me so out of generosity I decided to respond to Michael.

baileymarano Awh, we miss you to Michael, that should be a really good idea💞 @michaelmontgomery

A few moments later we had all rescheduled an appointment to reunite in LA along with my dad and my big sister.

Michael here we come.

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