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Written on: July 16, 2017


Chapter 28.


Laura's POV

I was packing up for the new tour that I call Lynch's Life Tour because after all I am touring around the world with my so called “sassy 8 year old” who happens to be acting up all the time.

I feel like she's gonna say something rudely to Gator & Sierrah, they are just TOO darn adorable, they look good together don't you think.

Just then Ross came in the room carrying Sierra while Gator, Bailey and Hailey followed from behind.

Sierrah then gasped when she saw me so she patted Ross' bare chest to put her down so he did and she came running towards me while Gator followed from behind, she then wrapped her small arms around my waist as Gator did the same as well.

“Laura!! I've missed you so much,” Sierrah sweetly said

“Long time no see,” Gator winked as Sierrah gently slapped him on his chest as he laughed

Ooh, flirtatious Gator never changed since the very first and only time of meeting him when he was about 5 years old he kept flirting with me that I thought it was cute but Ross thought it was irritating, he's 8 now just like Bailey and is still flirting with me.

“Yep, you've never changed since the very first time I met you,” I truthfully told him

He then nodded and winked at me while Sierrah wasn't looking so I glared at him, this was getting annoying but I think Ross noticed the look on my face because he glared at Gator and spat on him.

“Fuck off Gator, you got your own girl!” Ross snapped at him while Gator rolled his eyes

“No seriously Gator, I hate the flirting,” I told him truthfully he looked surprised

Sierrah then glanced at him and I noticed the sadness in her eyes so I decide to tell him what he needs to understand.

“Gator listen, if your going to be having a girlfriend then you can't be flirting with other girls, you need to takes relationships seriously otherwise you break your girls heart,” I sighed pointing at Sierrah who was looking down

“Sorry babe, didn't mean to make you feel that way,” Gator apologized

Sierra nodded as they kissed and walked off into the living room with Ross following from behind.

“mom is he always like this?” Bailey asked

“Yes, his personality is flirtatious, he was like that with Lauren and Hailey so be careful he might be like that with you too even tho he has Sierrah,” I told her truthfully

“Ooh okay then, this tour sure is gonna be something else then,”

And with that she walked off to her own room to finish her packing, Ross and Hailey don't leave till next week while me, Bailey, Gator and Sierrah leave tomorrow morning.

Like Bailey said this tour is gonna be something else.

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