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Written on: July 14, 2017


Chapter 23.

Bailey's point of view

Today I took some more silly photo shoots, I'm starting to like this new fame life, I always wondered why my mom never introduced me to this kind of life.

I got dressed since my mom is going to her  meeting and no kids were allowed and since my mom has no one else to watch me and Hailey we were gonna go to my Aunt Vanessa and Uncle Riker's house they have two kids that I never met their names are Marcus, Anthony, Lily and Harlen.

Marc is Hailey's kind of age and I think Anthony is mine but I can't wait to see them pretty soon enough.

I text Anthony most of the time just to see how him and the others are doing and today I left him another message saying that I can't wait to see him.

If anything I'm more attached to him than I am with Lily, is that even possible? If anything I thought I was gonna be around Lily more because she's a girl.

Then on Winter break my dad told me that were all visiting his family in Denver, Colorado.

I think his cousins will be there? I'm pretty sure he said that, I really wanna see them so bad now he said they names are Gus, Gil, Gordy, Gator and then there's Boston, Beauty and Bauer.

this is gonna be interesting.

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