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Written on: July 12, 2017


Chapter 8.

Laura's point of view

As he walked in, not only was he alone but he was holding a little boy's hand who appears to be like 6 years old who was hiding behind him.

As Lauren crawled next to me Ross looked down at her and his eyes lit up with excitement and joy.

“And who is this little baby?” He cooed

Lauren looked at him blankly eyes widening as if he was crazy for picking her up like that.

“haha, why is she looking at me like that?” He asked

“because she doesn't know you and somehow you just pick her up like if you knew her, of course she's gonna be confused idiot!” I exclaimed

“geez calm down Laura,” he told me

“who is that boy?” I curiously asked

“Ooh him? that's my son Ethan, say hi little man,” he said

“Ooh, why do you have him and not Courtney?” I asked

“Uhm, maybe because she's a drinker and gets crazy when she drinks, she's maybe abused him a few times, I had just found out about it and I was furious, I have full custody of him,” He said sadly

“where were you when this happened?” I asked

“geez Laur your such a blabber mouth, but I was at work when it happened I walked in quietly on them,” He said with a frown

“Ooh,” I said

“yeah...” he said

“sorry Ethan, trust me I'm a good person otherwise this baby wouldn't be here,” I told Ethan as I ruffled his fluffy hair

He slowly nodded his head and gently held his small hand out for me to shake and I did so he gave a small smile.

“The baby!” Ethan exclaimed while pointing at Lauren

“Ethan that's her daughter Lauren, why don't you play with her so I can catch up with her?” He asked

“Okay daddy, you know her?” Ethan asked

“of course, I used to be in a TV show with her, best friends ever since,” Ross told him

“Okay, have fun but NOT too much fun,” Ethan winked and walked away with Lauren

“haha sorry my sons a flirt and his friends were all bad influences, they taught Ethan that kind of dirty stuff,” Ross said

“don't you ever get worried since he knows a lot about that stuff then?” I asked

“No because either way I was gonna tell him about that when he turns 10 but now he knows so eh,” He said

“a lil too early don't you think?” I asked

“not anymore, kids now-a-days actually learn it at age 10,” He said

“but I'd rather not have Lauren learn till age of 17,” I told him

“Believe it or not she's gonna learn before that before that age because of the friends she'll have,” He said truthfully

“Then I'm gonna homeschool her,” I said

“Sorry but she's gonna hate you if you do that,”

“I do what I think is best for my daughter,” I sternly say

An hour later...

“Ethan!!” Ross shouts

“yes daddy?” he came to us

“would you like to try Laura's famous Italian spaghetti??” Ross asked

Ethan looked at me then back at Ross and slowly nodded his head, Ross then slowly grabbed a spoonful of spaghetti and fed it into Ethan's small mouth as his eyes widened.

“Laura, that spaghetti is so delicious thank you!!” Ethan exclaimed as me and Ross laughed a little

Ethan then frowned at us as he walked up to me and tapped on my skirt so I looked down at him in his beautiful Hazel eyes.

“Yes?” I asked politely

“Can you be my mommy?” He asked

mine and Ross' eyes widened as we both looked at each other I shifted uncomfortably on my seat but I think Ross noticed it.

“Ethan!! why would you ask that!? I'm so sorry he asked you that Laura,” Ross apologized

“it's okay he just feels lonely without Courtney it's normal, Lauren's gonna get like that when she gets a little older,” I tell him

“is it okay if you walk into Ethan's life?” He asked

“of course, is it okay if you walk into mine and Lauren's?” I asked

A huge smile then crept up on Ross' face, that attractive smile of his and he nodded his head rapidly, then out of no where his lips were on mine as Ethan smiled.

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